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14-03-14, 20:58
so recently I've been wondering can a GP or a doctor give a you a placebo? I've just been put on diazpam. People say this medication makes them feel really relaxed and they feel the effects of it. I'm on 2mg 4 times a day and I'm feeling no effects. I'm starting to believe that its a placebo.

Round in circles
14-03-14, 21:23
I don't trust docs since the sugar lump I was given for being good, was really a polio vaccine! In seriousness though, it may just need time to build up in your system, or perhaps you need the dose adjusted.

I'm the opposite. I can't even take half a 2mg tablet of diazepam without feeling really unwell. That said, I've taken temazepam (different drug) for insomnia and it did absolutely nothing for me.

15-03-14, 00:12
No, it would unethical. Also, medication is usually dispensed by a pharmacy who need a prescription. Did they come from your doctor or a pharmacy? A pharmacist would check there were no issues in dispensing it safely and then give it to you.

They do it in trials or tests to determine differences between groups. In that case by not informing a placebo group they can avoid any bias. These are lawfully agreed first though.

I remember it would calm me down. I think I was on 5mg though. I do remember that I had occasions where it didnt and that point my GP said it would be best to go the SSRI route.

15-03-14, 15:10
You can build up an "immunity" so to speak to benzos fairly quickly. I know you are in a crisis state, so it is possible to dose isn't affecting you.
Can you speak with your doctor or pharmacist today?

You are on pregabalin, right? How long?

15-03-14, 15:34
I find that I ask myself this question a lot, it is the anxiety though, a pervasive and underhand way for it to be suggesting to you that you are faking it.

You aren't and the drugs aren't fake either.