View Full Version : Extreme tiredness & feeling emotional?

14-03-14, 23:12
I've been suffering from bad anxiety for nearly 5 weeks now & I feel it's draining me so much. :glare: I feel exhausted. & Like I could burst into tears at any moment if I allowed myself too.

I'm panicky on a daily basis, constantly trying to hold off a panic attack.

I'm also fed up & very frustrated with my obsessional/intrusive thoughts which could also be contributing to feeling emotional anyway.

But of course as soon as I'm tired my anxiety picks up a notch anyway... It's a horrid cycle. :mad:

Anyone else suffer from tiredness/exhaustion or even feeling emotional?


15-03-14, 21:51
Yes I most certainly do. I am in an anxiety blip at the moment myself and as I type I am counting down the minutes until 10pm when I will go to bed. I won't go earlier because I don't want to run the risk of waking for the day at stupid o'clock. I find it hard to go back to sleep when I wake in the night and I invariably do, to go the loo.
I do have a few sleeping tablets which I'm careful with - my anxiety level causes tiredness like you said and my tiredness worsens anxiety. A vicious circle.
I've always been easily worried by not being able to sleep even when I'm well. If I go away from home I like to have a couple of sleeping tabs with me. I've always found sleep deprivation affects me more than most people. My antidepressants make me need more sleep which mean I have to keep an eye on not getting overtired. I often get overtired which worries me as my consultant always says I'll be fine, just don't get overtired! I don't get too many blips so I must be doing something right but I would love to learn how to be more sensible about sleep.
Take care, let me know how you're doing.

15-03-14, 22:30
High anxiety totally drains you and leaves you feeling exhausted which then makes you very emotional. Exercise will help even if you can just manage a little walk up the street. It will get better...I have been where you are now and it is so awful but you will get better :hugs::hugs:

15-03-14, 22:47
I feel I have just mentally burnt myself out these last 5 weeks! Never have I had such extreme, intense anxiety. :wacko:

But I do feel I am getting better a little bit, every day. I think it's cause I know all about obsessional thinking now & so I'm now not freaking out & panicking so much over those obsessive/irrational thoughts - I'm more rational. :)

But I am just exhausted! Which definitely makes me feel negative anyway... So of course those negative thoughts easily find a way in. :mad:

I'm also suffering from Anticipatory Anxiety - The fear of the fear! I'm constantly checking myself to see if I'm anxious. When I wake up I'm anxious over the thought of being anxious... What a nightmare! :wacko: If I'm not anxious & it almost feels weird, like I don't feel right? :unsure:

I work 5 hours a day but it's in the evening! I find because I'm anxious in the day by the time I get to work I'm so tired! Which doesn't put me in a good head space for work. :/

Ah well! We'll all get there in the end. :hugs:

15-03-14, 23:30
I am pleased that you can be positive. It is like any other illness it takes time to get wel. I was the same with anticipatory anxiety. Still am to a certain extent but my motto now is to feel the fear and do it anyway.

16-03-14, 07:22
Do you take any meds to help you? Even if you're not keen they could help you feel less anxious as a start to you taking charge of it all. That sounds exhausting, sorry! Are you being kind to yourself i.e. not rushing round trying to do everything?

16-03-14, 16:50
I am pleased that you can be positive. It is like any other illness it takes time to get wel. I was the same with anticipatory anxiety. Still am to a certain extent but my motto now is to feel the fear and do it anyway.

I've definitely noticed since my anxiety flared up that I'm noticing just how bored I get, especially at home. I think that's due to my obsessional thinking - one of my obsessive thoughts is thinking I'm lonely so now I'm very aware of myself & what I'm doing - over thinking & over analyzing. I get panicky at night too when I'm at home due to the fact I had my first proper panic attack in years on a Sunday night, out of the blue. I'm now associating my house with feeling like that. I used to love my days off work but now I'm at home feeling so bored & tired. :/

Do you take any meds to help you? Even if you're not keen they could help you feel less anxious as a start to you taking charge of it all. That sounds exhausting, sorry! Are you being kind to yourself i.e. not rushing round trying to do everything?

Nope, I'm not. My GP wanted me to go down the Therapy route first... Problem is my Therapist is on leave now for 5 weeks. I can go from intense feelings of anxiety to feeling pretty low over my anxious/irrational/obsessive thoughts. & I'm trying to take it easy but it's difficult when you're so mentally drained I suppose. I kinda want to feel motivated to do stuff but all I can think about is how tired I am & that I can't be bothered. Everything just seems so much effort... :wacko:

16-03-14, 17:56
Try to do things to keep you busy. I started doing card making, making soaps and bath fizzers and I bake cakes :)

16-03-14, 18:27
Hi Charl, I sympathise and empathise with you. I get so tired and drained from anxiety and it just makes me want to cry because it is spoiling my enjoyment of life. I go out and feel like a space cadet, I can't relax and feel like I am going to go dizzy.
Anxiety is horrible and sometimes no matter how positive I try to be, it just gets me down. Big hug.

16-03-14, 21:00
Hi Charl, I sympathise and empathise with you. I get so tired and drained from anxiety and it just makes me want to cry because it is spoiling my enjoyment of life. I go out and feel like a space cadet, I can't relax and feel like I am going to go dizzy.
Anxiety is horrible and sometimes no matter how positive I try to be, it just gets me down. Big hug.

N'awww. :/ My mind literally feels like a ball of string & I'm trying my best to find the ends. My thoughts can be so erratic & irrational that I can just feel so overwhelmed. I've always been a problem solver/over analyzer so not knowing what's going on or how to 'fix' it makes me even more anxious. :wacko:

When I try to be positive my thoughts are there reminding me I'm only trying to distract myself... That's the problem with obsessional thinking - it's always there, lingering. Trying to NOT focus on the thoughts actually causes you to do so!


26-03-14, 22:59
Really suffering with exhaustion today! :( I went to bed very late & woke up pretty late aswell... I have Sinusitis also which flared up a bit today which in itself causes me to feel pretty lethargic & tired.

It's so difficult to feel positive & happy when you feel so drained, I nearly had a panic attack whilst eating my dinner which didn't help. I'm having bouts of feeling overwhelmed which makes me feel even more anxious.. I'm anxious about feeling overwhelmed! :wacko:

I'm trying to be 'Mindful' but I find it makes me anxious as my mind doesn't seem to like it when I'm not anxious... I feel anxious over not over-thinking about something! My mind decides that that means there's something wrong! Crikey. :wacko:

27-03-14, 00:33
Hi Charlotte, believe it or not over sleeping or waking up late can actually make you tired a lethargic too.
I sometimes go sleep around 1 and wake up 11am which is a decent sleep, by 3pm I'm yawning :P but I still don't go sleep till around 12 midnight.

Try get the thought out of your mind that you are tired and keep yourself busy for most of the day, that will really help, something you're doing with other people so you're not by yourself to think about things which then leads onto your panic attacks.

27-03-14, 01:18
Yeah, I know it can make you feel more tired but I still can't manage to go to bed early or wake up earlier! Lol. :whistles:

My obsessive thinking is what's burning me out at the moment, I generally feel okay when I'm socialising with people (like at work) but once I'm alone BOOM it starts again, especially at home at night.

When my anxiety is playing up I tend to feel nauseous & lightheaded which makes me feel even more anxious.. My body is just drained I think. I also have low iron levels.

The exhaustion is crippling sometimes. :scared15:

27-03-14, 06:10
Do you get any exercise Charlotte? I know its harder when you are so badly drained but it carries many benefits e.g. regulates your mood, sleep & hormones, improves confidence & self esteem, uses up excess adrenaline and regulates it, etc.

27-03-14, 17:45
To be honest, no, I don't exercise much. Maybe I should start... Go for a run or something. Hmmm....

I didn't sleep well last night either, so I'm still exhausted today. :/