View Full Version : Lump Under Jaw

15-03-14, 00:55
hey everyone!

hope you're all having a great Friday!

So, I have banned myself from using Dr Google for lent (which is going surprisingly well) and I recommend it to all of you, but I have come across a point where I need some help or advice.

Basically, I got my wisdom teeth on my right side out on Monday. And last night I discovered a hard ball shaped lump (Im guessing a lymph node) under my jaw in my neck right under where the tooth was. I can move it around, under my jaw or onto it, and it's pretty hard, and bigger than other swollen nodes I've felt before. I think it's a lymph node.

Today, I was prodding to see if it has decreased in size, and I don't think it has. But I felt another one similar closer to my chin.

Obviously, I'm freaking out because they are solid hard and kinda big, but they are movable which is good.

I already have an appointment with my dentist on Monday to get the stitches out so he will see them. And I made a follow up appointment with my GP to look at them on Wednesday (along to get bloods drawn that are due).

But has anyone had this happen when they got wisdom teeth out? I got my left side out in January and nothing of the sort happened :(

15-03-14, 02:14
I gave up google for lent too Sean. I kind of think that seeking assurance here is similar to looking at google though. It's accomplishing the same thing. I would say to wait until you see the doctor on Monday it's only 2 days try to distract yourself. Break the cycle Sean. I did. Best of luck friend.

15-03-14, 02:21
I had something similar but I cant remember being to move it much. Its swelling that was moving I guess. At my follow up, the dentist said their was a slight protrusion and if it gave me any problems later once it had healed, he could shave it off.

I think your dentist will be the best place to start.

15-03-14, 02:26
I'm trying my hardest RoseEve!

I just feel kinda weird and weak lately and I'm obviously fearing lymphoma or another type of cancer

I'm definitely not gonna google bc it will put me over the edge.

Thank you for the kind words!

And who knows Terry. I'm just scared out of my mind haha

15-03-14, 02:43
I know it's hard. I worried about lymphoma too. My doctor said if it movable it's fine. Bad nodes are rock hard. I'm giving you reassurance because I looked at google in the first few days of lent. So I think it's awesome that you haven't :)

15-03-14, 02:57
Yeah that's what worries me... Mine are rock hard... but at the same time, they're movable. So it gives me a little hope. And the fact that I started noticing them after the extraction.

I think lymphoma is a big scare on here due to how google explains it.
I actually know a guy that had it and he was so sick he had to go to the ER where they discovered it.

And yeah, it's definitely been tough but I'm doing better than I thought too! haha You can do it!

---------- Post added at 02:57 ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 ----------

Just post on here like I am :)

15-03-14, 10:02
I'm pretty sure this is completely normal though I can totally understand why you're anxious.. I went to the doctors a couple of months ago because I could feel a larger-than-pea-sized lymph mode under my chin. No cold, no other symptoms etc.. She told me it was because I had a big spot on my chin at the time and as soon as the spot had calmed down the lymph node would too and it did :) I'm pretty sure it's just your body reacting to the 'trauma' of tooth extraction (which isn't fun, hope you're ok!)

But yeah I'm sure the dentist will be able to put your mind at rest straight away :)

15-03-14, 10:03
Lol. Movable means soft. Hard meaning it's fixed into the muscle. If you can move it it's soft :)