View Full Version : Anxiety worsens at night

15-03-14, 02:59
Anyone else notice this?

The last week or so I've noticed that I feel dizzyier at night than I do during the day. Also, I feel kind of light headed.

I'm bringing this up because I'm working 6pm-midnight tomorrow and I'm nervous that I will become dizzy. :(
I'm a waitress at a restaurant so there's lots of moving around. Worried that my anxiety will really get the best of me :(

15-03-14, 03:27
hey, I've definitely been experiencing this!

I wake up and feel fresh and new, even sometimes thinking I've cured myself over night haha

But as the day goes on, I tend to overthink and etc and then it hits me at night or in the evening.

My gf thinks its because the mind is at rest while you sleep, and then when you wake up you just start analyzing and worrying. Don't know if its true, but it kinda makes sense!

---------- Post added at 03:27 ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 ----------

And about your night shift, just make sure that you are well fed and hydrated, so your body doesn't physically shut down, and then focus on your tasks and work at hand so your mind won't wander and you'll be just fine :)

15-03-14, 03:40
Thanks so much for replying, Sean!
I've had the waling up feeling fresh and new feeling before haha, I even had it this morning. But just like you, as the day goes on my anxiety seems to get worse.

I totally agree with your gf. It makes sense, but it's just so annoying! Lol. Do you also feel kind of dizzy?

I will definitely try to keep hydrated and well fed. As much as I try to focus sometimes anxiety gets in the way. I wish I wasn't so in touch with my body, seriously not a good thing lol :P

15-03-14, 03:43
Yes definitely feel dizzy. I get dizzy and weak feeling all the time. In fact, the weakness is happening right now. And I know it was because I worked out today for the first time in a while, but I still have stuff going on that makes me second guess, which brings me to the point of agreeing 100% that it sucks to be so in touch with our bodies hahaha

15-03-14, 03:47
Haha! It's funny how we can laugh about it but when it happens that's the last thing we do. :P

I've also experienced the weakness although I'm not ACTUALLY weak. So weird. Just keep telling yourself it's due to working out, that's what it most likely is anyways. I hate how even though we know deep down that it's probably not what our worst thought is, we still tend to overthink and force our brain to think that it's something much worse. HA is a pain!

15-03-14, 03:49
I know right! It actually helps me to help others and laugh about it with them, but yes when it comes to my situations, I'm far from laughing haha

and exactly! I feel weak, but i can run up my stairs just fine. It's simply the strangest feeling!

15-03-14, 04:05
Haha, oh I know what you mean :P
That's definitely the anxiety acting up

15-03-14, 18:00
I also want to add in that sometimes when I move my head too fast or turn too fast I feel that dizzy sensation. But if I sneeze or try to repeat the same thing I did that made me dizzy right after nothing happens. It always seems to appear when I pay no attention to it :(

15-03-14, 19:19
My anxiety has always been worse at night. It seems like my mind is less occupied so I have more time to focus on anxiety :ohmy:

15-03-14, 23:10
Pretty sure most people feel more anxious at night. Your mind is tired, especially if you have spent all day going over stuff in your head. There are fewer distractions so you tend to ruminate more, rather than finding other stuff to think about. I am more aware of bodily sensations at night simply because it is quieter and all I have to focus on is me and my thoughts. I find having the radio on or listening to meditations helps.

15-03-14, 23:35
I did a quick search and there are literally thousands of posts relating to this. Hopefully you'll be busy at work and distracted enough so it won't bother you. Hope you have a great evening with lots of tips!

Positive thoughts

16-03-14, 00:15
It's funny my anxiety has always been worse in the morning. I guess I feel overwhelmed by the day ahead. If you work in the evenings maybe this is why. Anyway I hope you feel better :)

16-03-14, 02:49
jennclark, I also am experience vertigo on a very regular basis. A night shift is a great opportunity for you to try to focus away from the dizziness and keep yourself busy with other things. good luck!

17-03-14, 04:05
Thank you to everyone for posting on my thread. It's crazy to see so many of you experience the same symptoms. Happy I'm not alone, but hoping it stops for all of us.

Just a little update from my shift, it went very well. Fishmanpa, I got tons of tips! Haha. I became slightly dizzy around 8pm but tried my best to ignore it and it went away. :) super happy. Thanks again to everyone, much appreciated! xx

17-03-14, 10:44

17-03-14, 17:48
Blah, I'm so nervous again :(

---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:46 ----------

I'm at my school placement and overheard someone talking about their father having a heart attack....now I'm so scared :( I keep thinking I'm getting the signs

17-03-14, 17:58
You are way too young for that Jenn!

17-03-14, 19:18
I know :( but I always think what if? :(

17-03-14, 19:44
We can't live our lives in what ifs. Boy I know that's easier said than done ;)

17-03-14, 20:54
Really is easier said than done. Thankfully, the sensation and worriedness has gone away, I'm feeling better. But boy, what a scare :(

---------- Post added at 16:54 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

Also, I'm not too sure why but it seems like since last night I've been having the urgency to pee every 2-3 hours. I got home around 315 today and went per right away, it's now almost 5 and I have the sensation that I have to go again. :(

17-03-14, 22:08
I pee at least every 2 hours.

17-03-14, 22:10
Is that normal?

I can usually hold it the whole day and when I get back around 3 is when I pee. I also have this like tightness sensation in my lower abdomen. Also, my pee is clear although I haven't had that much water today. :(

18-03-14, 01:44
I don't know I pee a lot. The more you pee the clearer it will look.

18-03-14, 04:46
Yeah, night time is always the worst for me. My anxiety sets in, physical symptoms including trouble breathing and slight panic. Tight chest, heart palps, etc. Depression tends to come alongside it, as well.. So you're not alone. I never understand why I had so much anxiety at night, AND.. After awhile, I developed a fear/anxiety over night time. I used to notice the sun going down and say "Ohp, it's almost dark, here comes the anxiety." -.-

18-03-14, 06:15
im here right now because i started to feel chest pains and it always helps distract me and self help when i come on the forums and talk about my experiences with others.. ive noticed that sometimes my anxiety is worse at night.

Also clear pee is supposed to be good news that you are hydrated enough, its the dark brown and yellow pee that indicates being dehydrated.