View Full Version : First time here (well first time on a forum ever)

15-03-14, 10:24
Hi everyone

Im new to this I have never been on a forum in my life so abit unsure of how it all works and a little nervous about joining.

Well here goes im 24 and I have had anxiety for about 4 years now, I suffer with health anxiety (which is the worst bit) and social anxiety, the only help I have been offered is medication which I would rather not have.

The only person who knows about my anxiety is my partner, I put a 'front' on with others that are close to me as im not great at trusting people and letting them in.

Im looking forward to maybe talking to people who understand who it feels and don't judge x

15-03-14, 11:08
Hi Red

Welcome to NMP.

I too had not spent a lot of time on forums or any time in chat rooms before coming here.

The relief at speaking to people who understood what I was feeling was unbelievable.

Enjoy the forum and maybe we will see you in chat sometime.


15-03-14, 14:31
Welcome to NMP. The members on here are amazing and supportive and I'm sure you'll find some tips to help you in your journey

15-03-14, 16:11
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.

15-03-14, 19:52
Hi :welcome:

16-03-14, 08:53
Nobody judges here Annie. Welcome to NMP! :)

16-03-14, 09:34
Hi Red

Welcome to no more panic! I'm quite a new member and I have health anxiety, depression etc, I had never used a forum before and believe it or not its helped me massivley allready, people on here are amazing and non judgmental!

However you are feeling I can guarantee your not alone an this is the best place in my opinion to talk freely about those feelings!
Hope to speak to you soon x

16-03-14, 10:26
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the welcomes, can't wait to get talking x