View Full Version : New to the Board

anxious in Iowa
27-11-06, 22:30
I'm new to the board. I'm 20 years old and I've always had anxiety. However, since going through a traumatic "coming out" experience as a teen, my anxiety has focused more and more on health issues--mostly cancer. I know how to explain away pretty much every rational dialogue about why I don't have cancer--including doctors' and psychiatrists' explanations. Right now, I'm convinced I have liver cancer. My right back and rib cage ache, though I know that it is probably from slouching in front of the computer...I constantly check my symptoms online which makes me have incredible panic attacks every time. I've been on and off meds for a couple years. Mostly sexual side-effects and worries that the meds could somehow prevent me from recognizing serious health symptoms keeps me off the meds. However, they tend to help my anxiety when I stay on them regularly. I'm not sure if this forum will be helpful or not. I hope that it will be helpful. Instead of checking symptoms, I'd like to just come here instead. Right now I'm in the midst of college finals, which are stressful enough without health anxiety. Going home for the holidays also makes me intensely anxious and depressed. Anyway, I hope being part of a community of people with health anxiety will help.

28-11-06, 00:00
Hey MJ,

Welcome to NMP. From what you say I feel there will be many people who can relate to what you say.

This is a fantastic site with loads of help, advice and support available.

Take care, and remember you are not alone in here.



What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

28-11-06, 06:10
Hi Mj,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


28-11-06, 08:13
Wow, I feel like I'm reading something I wrote.
I've been on a rollercoaster of cancer scares the past month, currently fixated on brain cancer. Been to the emergency room where the doctor told me flat out "this is not a brain tumor" and doesn't matter. I'm still constantly freaking out. How does he know anyway? I have all the symptoms.. I googled it. :P

Anyway, best of luck to you..


28-11-06, 09:08
welcome to this site...I can assure you this site is amazing i wish id had it 10 yrs go when my illness atarted.
all i will say is i can see where your coming from re meds..i was the same on and 10ys kept my anxiety at bay...but had a bad turn 2 monthsago...now i have decided i will keep the meds to stable my anxiety..but im going to fight to get every bit og help i can so i can be well & med free...im trying CBT/vitamins/clare weeks etc...
i think the meds did cover my real problem, now im taking but getting help as its still there even though the meds are helping.
hope that helps

28-11-06, 10:00

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advive here while making new friends in the way.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

28-11-06, 12:12

If you read my recent posts, I have been convinced I have a liver problem and much like you, could point to all sorts of symptoms that I have because I too GOOGLED.

I was even more convinced because I have been a heavy drinker for many years. I had all the ribcage symptoms of shooting pains, had back pain radiating from between my shoulder blades, convinced I was turning yellow etc .. etc ..

EARLY DAYS, BUT, I am now on day three of no alcohol (doesn't sound a lot, but believe me it's an achievement for me) and have been taking Rennie's (antacid) and drinking plenty of milk and guess what, my symptoms have subsided drastically. This has lead me to believe that some (or all) of the cause, could have been acid reflux, or even the start of a stomach ulcer.

I am not saying that this is what will work for you, but may be worth a go trying to neutralise your stomach contents, avoiding anything fatty or acidy, just for a few days, to see.

Like you also, my posture has not been good, which I am sure has not helped, so I have adjusted my office chair to make me sit upright and keep my back strainght, rather than slouching.

I had my pains for many many weeks and was really starting to panic big time. Now they have gone, I think I can squarely put the cause down to my excessive lifestyle.

My opinion, but, I think you are way to young to have serious diseases, it's not impossible and I'm no doctor, but I'd be very surprised !

Just my thoughts. Good luck to you. Let us know how you get on.


28-11-06, 12:30
Sorry to hear of your troubles! I too am coming upon finals and am scared to death I won't be able to perform well because I am so anxious. I am having a particularly hard time going to school today but just coming here and talking with people seems to help a little. Good luck to you!

04-12-06, 20:01

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel