View Full Version : Intergrative therapy for Health Anxiety - works wonders

15-03-14, 12:32
Hi All,

I'm on my 6th session now of intergrative therapy and I can honestly say it's working wonders...
I would highly recommend it to anyone... I use to have CBT but my mental health worker thought this would be better after having a relapse...

She hasn't taught me any strategies or things like that but just opened my mind up to exploring what's there and what's causing the anxiety... Rather than CBT which just treats the anxiety... Just to let you know this is all through the NHS...

We've basically realised that this anxiety has come from my fear of death and being alone... She's made me explore death which is never pleasant but it's made me come to terms with lots of things and allow my mind explore places it didn't really want to go.

Now the sessions are hard and today we were talking about my relationship with my fiancé, turns out this is having a huge effect on me... But it all links together.

I have to admit I find it difficult and leave most sessions in tears which sounds awful but she's forcing me to think about things I wouldn't do normally...

It's really hard to recommend any stratagies to help others but if you suffer with HA and I really recommend exploring it :)

15-03-14, 12:41
That sounds really interesting. I wonder if they do that in my area. Sounds like a cross between counselling and cbt?

15-03-14, 13:10
Good post FedUp. Keep with the therapy. I hope it continues to go well for you.

15-03-14, 13:29
I've got 20 sessions in total so should be good and finally a way of dealing with my anxiety...
It is like a cross between anxiety and and CBT it's really interesting and never heard of t before but it's working really well :)
The other thing is my therapist isn't like my friend if that makes sense... She literally listens to everything I say as soon as I walk through the door and assess me on it. Not in a bad way either it's just the way she is but it ses to work!

15-03-14, 14:24
As difficult as it is to explore our fears in an intimate way, it's a proven psychological strategy and one that sounds like it's working for you. That's great news! Keep up the good work and start bringing tissues with you ;)

Positive thoughts

Round in circles
15-03-14, 15:21
Sounds interesting. I haven't heard of integrative therapy before, but good to hear it's working for you. I don't think I could explore the subject of death (way too scary) so much respect to you for being able to do that.