View Full Version : Stomach pulse,Help!

15-03-14, 23:26
for the last few months I have been noticing a strong pulse in my stomach area and of course I looked it up online and all the pages came up with aortic aneurysm , I started to freak out! I'm 17 I went to the doctor a month ago for chest pain and I did mention the pulse In my stomach and my doctor checked it out and everything, and she said it's probably because I'm so slim But for my chest pain she made me get an echo-cardiogram I don't know if that would have been able to tell If I had an aneurysm or not! But I'm really scared because now I'm starting to feel a little bit of pain by my belly button Idk if it's from me holding my heavy text book from school over my stomach or if it something else! I'm thinking of telling my parents again and seeing if I can get another ultra sound but this time for my aorta, can anyone else see a pulse in there stomach?? :unsure:

15-03-14, 23:40
Hi GillyB,

Depending on our body composition, we can see our pulse all over our body. It's not unusual and harmless. I'd be more concerned if I couldn't see/feel a pulse ;)

Have you spoken to someone about your anxiety? Can your parents help you to find some counseling?

Positive thoughts