View Full Version : Hodgkins Lymphoma? scared please help?

15-03-14, 23:42
I'm so worried that I have hodgkin's lymphoma.
I have lost nearly a stone in weight since December. I had a sickness bug but since then have not got my appetite back fully and I keep losing weight,
I sweat a lot on a night and sometimes wake up covered in sweat whereas my boyfriend is fine.
I have found a small pea sized lump on my neck (I got my doctor to feel it, who didn't seem to care)
When I drink wine with a meal, I get horrible stinging pain in my jaw (I have read this is a sign of lymphoma)
I am 25. Does this sound like hodgkins? I'm so scared it is and I will have to have chemo and won't be able to have kids

15-03-14, 23:48
A medical professional has checked the lump and didn't seem concerned. Unfortunately, no one here is more qualified. There is much more to diagnosing a serious illness like lymphoma. I would recommend seeking the opinion of medical professionals over Dr. Google. This very well could be your body ridding itself from the bug you had.

Positive thoughts

16-03-14, 00:10
Kayleigh, all of these symptoms can be covered by a diagnosis of anxiety. With that said, we are not physicians. If you remain concerned, seek the advice of a medical professional that you can trust. What are you doing to help with your anxiety?

16-03-14, 00:44
Thank you fishmanpa. The doctor said that the lump may just be caused by a spot that I have had on my neck, but she didn't ask if I had had any other symptoms like night sweats or weight loss so I guess that she can't have been that concerned.
Tanner, I have been given citalopram which I am going to start next week.

17-03-14, 15:27
I had the lymphoma fear about about 9 years ending last year. I convinced myself that I had pain in my armpit after alcohol - I'd actually think about it after every drink and fully believed the pain was present (it wasn't). I was CONSTANTLY prodding my neck and armpit for lumps but never really found anything. Had the odd night sweat (was usually after a very vivid dream). Was so scared to get bloods taken as I was worried about the WBC being high. Eventually I admitted my worry to my fiancé and very oddly, my anxiety for Lymphoma disappeared! My HA definitely hasn't, currently in a state of panic for something else but lymphoma is definitely something you can easily convince yourself you have! Trust me, if you had it you'd be VERY unwell and probably in hospital by now. Hopefully you reach a point like me where you feel happy to let it go! Xx