View Full Version : During sleep

16-03-14, 03:03
Good morning to all your folks!

It is not in my habit to post about my health anxiety but I need to "get it out".

Over the last 7 years I was witness to 5 cases of brain tumors within my family and acquaintances. Due to stress, I developed panic and anxiety which I am working really hard at to control.

Things are much better. Just my sleep is not exactly great. Two things that totally scares me is:
Just before I wake up I feel like behind my closed eyes everything rotates. Like these gambling machines. It rolls!
Just after I open my eyes, they need a few seconds to adjust and in this time it feels as if a light flashes in my eyes.So my symptoms are not wild but they scare me. In fact, it is 4am and I am too scared to go to bed again.

Can anybody relate to my experiences? Any feedback would be appreciated :scared15:

16-03-14, 14:36
Hey Friend,

I don't have those specific symptoms, but often my worst times of the day are upon waking. Whether that is from the night's sleep, or a nap.

My vision "vibrates" -- where it seems as if my eyes must be vibrating as my vision is so jumpy. I also get weird "snapshot" vision where what I am seeing seems to pause in snapshot stills one after another……I don't know if that makes sense or not, but just shows that those of us dealing with anxiety have many "interesting" things happen with our vision upon waking.

My doc says that cortisol levels are highest in the morning around 6am, so that might have something to do with it,…..and we are so sensitized to every thing our body does.


16-03-14, 15:06
Good Morning LeFi. I don't get those specific symptoms but I do get other visual disturbances upon occasion. As you know, the important thing is to control our reaction to these symptoms, and not to control the symptoms them selves.

I would try accepting this as a normal morning occurrence and expect it to happen. That will take the surprise out of the situation, and hopefully lower your anxiety level, surrounding the event. It's when we think something is not normal, that it frightens us. Try thinking of it as "your normal".

16-03-14, 18:50
Hallo you guys,

wow. The whole day this post plagued my conscious because this morning I realized that it most probably is due to my anxiety.

Now I log in and tada! Two really helpful posts and I feel so rich to have these replies.

I fully agree with you both and am thankful for some explanation as to why this can happen and TMT I also have similar problems. What a relief to not have to feel so alone with these silly little issues.

Tonight I am prepared ;-) When I wake up I will brace myself and know that this is just how I am now. Hopefully I can reduce the anxiety over the next few nights.

Thank you again! :hugs::hugs: