View Full Version : Weird head sensations have me anxious

16-03-14, 04:52
Hello All

This is the first time I have ever posted on any type of forum. Ill try to make this as short as possible. I have been on AD for about 16 years. Started with Paxil, then Effexor and now Cipralex for the last 5 years or so. I was always on 10 mg of cipralex but wanted to try to lose the weight it caused me to gain so my dr added Wellbutrin ( about 2 years ago ). I ended up weaning off Cipralex and within a few months lost 40 lbs. After a while the panic came back full firce so I started back on Cip. A couple months ago I cut the dose to 5mg. Bad idea cause now im anxious 24/7. I had sex on Monday and after I orgasmed I had the weirdest feeling in my head like something was pushing on my skull in this one spot and then it continued to feel so weird I had a panic attack. It eventually turned into a headache. Not a bad one but more annoying. Its notw Saturday night and I still have a headache. Take into consideration that I quite coffee as of this past Tuesday and on Thursday I went back up to 10mg. So I have been feeling really weak in the knees today, jellylike all over and weird headache causing anxiety. Do you think its the increase in my dose or caffeine withdrawal. Getting the weird head ache thing scared me like I was having a stroke or aneurysm or somerhing cause my head goes all tingly and part of my face. Oh gosh I just read this over and I sound like a train wreck....