View Full Version : Now worried that I have a brain tumour :-(

16-03-14, 05:42
I've kept my health worries under control for a long time now but recently its all coming back again.

I've got these symptoms that I'm really worried about. Before Christmas I had this ringing in my left ear, I really noticed it at night. I went to the doctor and he cleaned out my ears which did make the ringing go away. But now, for the past few weeks, its back again, and to add to things my ear is also a little painful. Like it might be blocked inside. However, I've only seen my ENT doc a couple of days ago (before my ear got sore) and he said both my ears were clear, so its not wax. I've also just finished a two week course of antibiotics (after having a tonsillectomy) so its unlikely to be an infection.

Also, my vision feels funny lately. I got new glasses after Christmas and ever since it feels like my vision in my left eye is terrible. Like it struggles to focus. Definitely my left eye feels strained or tired. I went back to the optometrist and she rechecked it and said its fine - that my vision will never be the same in both eyes, that for most people it isn't (even when corrected with glasses). I'm not convinced though. The left eye is so much weaker.

Ok, so when I write it down, I guess it doesn't sound so bad, but I am quite worried - and I'm worried that I'll get more worried. I'm trying, trying, trying not to google "Brain tumor ear pain" or "brain tumor one eye blurry" or "brain tumor vision." I don't really know what to do. Thanks for reading.

16-03-14, 07:59
I have constant ringing in my ears. Maybe you have tinnitus? I wouldnt worry about the eyesight either if you have had it checked. Vision is quite often worse in one eye.

16-03-14, 08:42
Another one for constant ringing here. Quite loud when I think about it, but when I don't my brain fades it out.

16-03-14, 15:45
my daughter's left eye is considerably weaker than her right. Her left lens on her glasses is quite thick. There is nothing to worry about if you have had it checked and all is ok. I get ringing in my ears when is quiet, I didn't think anything of it until a friend at work mentioned her ringing in her ears when its quiet. My other friend said she didn't get it. I don't think that its anything sinister either.

16-03-14, 15:57
I thought my left eye was weaker too turn out my left eye has better vision than the right. Shows how we can imagine things. I have ringing that comes and goes and strangely sometimes I even hear a phone ringing when it's not. I am getting chronic headaches so I think about brain tumors sometimes. I think brain tumors are something people with think HA obsess about. I get ear pain to I really think it's sinus related.

17-03-14, 03:34
Thanks for the kind replies. I've successfully managed not to google anything all day.