View Full Version : nightmares all the time

16-03-14, 09:23
I have rally bad health anxiety, an its really getting me down atm, although yesterday was the best I've had in several weeks, until I went bed an I the palpatations started! I managed to nod off an then I woke a 2 hrs later after having the most horrid nightmare this is happening everynight, I had dreamt I was having a stroke and that I could physically feel the effects of the stroke happening to me in the bathroom, but cdnt shout out, anyway I woke an my other half said to me that I was shouting sweating etc, I got up and cdnt get back asleep till 6 this mornin, its awful does anyone else have these symptoms with there anxiety? :( Oh and good Morning all xxx

16-03-14, 09:55
Yes I get terrible nightmares although as I am improving they are getting a lot less frequent.

16-03-14, 11:07
Its awful isn't it! I'm not currently on any meds although I've been prescribe Seratiline 25mg I'm just so scared to take them, my nightmares are consistent although my other symptoms are not as they change all the time! How strange I'm greatful for the day of ease I had yesterday but feel the anxiety etc lurking within me today, for eg I'm aware of my breathing and my heartbeat is definatley quicker than it has been for over a week, maybe its the lack of sleep which has accelerated this today! Does anyone else have days like this? Xxx

16-03-14, 12:13
Why are you scared to take the medication? When I was prescribed medication I just thought well I feel so bad now that it is worth a try, the side effects can't be any worse. The first few weeks on medication are not always easy but it is worth it to feel better after.

16-03-14, 12:27
I'm scared of the symptoms being any worse as I just dnt think I could take anymore, the thing is I know that sertaline has many bad reviews an my doctor says I should still take it! I'm stuck as I want to feel better but at the same time I'm scared to try an take the meds! Even though I know they'll probs work for my anxiety, I fear that they won't make me feel any better as I feel I've been mis diagnosed with what's wrong with me!! I'm just going round and round in circles :( xx

16-03-14, 12:33
Paula, you have to learn to trust your physician. I doubt that you would be posting on an anxiety forum if you didn't truly believe that you had an anxiety disorder. Acceptance of the anxiety and the related symptoms are key in the recovery process.
I don't particularly like taking new medications. I used to google all of the side effects prior to taking the meds. Really bad idea, as that just increased my anxiety levels and made me more apt to imagine horrific side effects. Try the medication, as it has been prescribed in order to make you feel better. It will take awhile for it to kick in and work and yes, there may be some side effects, but it is worth not living with anxiety forever.

16-03-14, 12:39
Thankyou Tanner,
I totally agree with you I am clearly sufferring with anxiety, but I fear its caused by the physical symptoms I get so which in turn makes me think I'm anxious because my body an mind is reacting to a illness, it really is difficult to get my head around, I know I should take the meds I'm just looking for some help and understanding when I take them! I feel like everyone thinks I'm weak an daft as I dnt take them an like you I googled the meds which I agree is stupid to do! I'm so glad I can talk on here about how I feel an speak to people like you who really do understand, the hard thing for me to get my head around is that several months ago I was perfectly fine an then all of a sudden Bam I'm hit with this disorder and cnt undersdtand why! :( x

16-03-14, 12:45
Don't try to understand it, just accept it. It is just like any other illness, it can just suddenly happen. Acceptance is the key to recovery. I hate taking new meds but I took them as I knew I needed help to get me through it just the same as I would take meds if I had a heart condition or any other illness. You are not weak for being reluctant to take them, I can understand why. After I took my first tablet I just sat there waiting for all the side effects on the list to happen to me!! Which they didn't :)
CBT will be helpful to you too.

16-03-14, 12:55
Thankyou Annie, talking really does help me, I'm just having a really bad day, I am really going to try tomorrow to take the meds, I cnt spend another day in bed crying like this thankyou for your support and time x

16-03-14, 13:03
I agree with Annie, Paula. Go ahead and try the medication. Write down three positive statements about taking the medication and just keep repeating those to yourself while doing deep breathing exercises. It's all a mind set that you want to get to about the meds. Take a positive stand. Just keep repeating the positive statements.

16-03-14, 13:10
Will do guys thankyou x

17-03-14, 19:37
Hi Paula78, When my anxiety levels are really extreme I dream also that I have had a stroke. It feels so real. When I wake I check in the mirror to makje sure that I havnt. Hope you get on well with your new meds. t.c sweet dreams x

17-03-14, 19:43
Hi Caroline,
It is awful isn't it! I'm scared to sleep haha, when I'm more anxious they're bad too, I've only been a sufferer for what I can recall about several months but after speaking to the MH team today they think I've been a sufferer longer, I've certainly had the symptoms for a long time but they've been worse ie the nightmares, palpatations, lump in throat breathlesness for the last 3 months, hope your okay xx