View Full Version : mole

16-03-14, 11:01
I was in bed a few days ago and picked a "spot" that was on my leg, on my hip. It was only when I got out of bed and checked this "spot" that I realised it was a mole. Now im worried that it is something bad. It was raised yesterday but I figured that was because id been picking. Today it isnt raised but it is a lot darker, like blood on it and red around the edges. Its tiny. Looks like a spot but it isnt and now im scared ive damaged it.

16-03-14, 11:22
Leave it for a few days.

You have picked it, it is healing.

If after a week it is still the same by all means see a GP for peace of mind, but right now the most obvious answer is you damaged it by picking it and it needs to heal :)

16-03-14, 11:26
Thank you Hypo. I'm paranoid about them as i have already had to have two removed from my back. But they were a lot bigger. I think im a little down these days too. Bit homesick so have too much time to think about things. Thanks for reply.x

16-03-14, 19:15
hello fellow mole worrier
i have moles all over the shop which are all differnt from one another. if id like i could find something wrong with every single one... i had them all checked recently and they were all fine... i just developed a couple more (which the derm said 'is completely normal to get new moles right up into your 30s and even 40s) which are again different looking. now i know i need to stop driving myself crazy, i cant go to the doctor or fork out for a private derm every time i new mole appears. il be bankrupt in a year :(
we need to break out of the worry cycle, every1 else would go "oh a new mole" ... THAT WOULD BE IT!! why can't we be like that?!?! :( sorry if this message wasnt exactly reassuring but be assured that you are not alone... and it more than likely is anxiety and nothing sinister x