View Full Version : Needing some advice and reassurance

28-11-06, 04:32
I have been dealing with anxiety for a little over a year. I feel like I am going out of my mind. I feel like I should be locked up and can't participate in normal life. I feel like I just want to explode. How do I get through these feelings in particular? I can tolerate almost all of the other symptoms associated with anxiety but when I feel like I am crazy I just want to curl up and die.

One thing in particular that makes me feel crazy is a thought I had the other night. My husband was telling me about a girl they found dead near our home and it sounded like she had been strangled. I immediatly started thinking about whether I could strangle someone and then the image of harming my family came into my mind. I just about lost it because I love my husband and my daughter and I know I could never harm them. The image is really bothering me though, like if I can think about it why couldn't I do it?

28-11-06, 09:03
hi babe sorry things are tough...ratioanl thinking deserts us at times of extreme anxiety...im suffering at the mo but my therapist says to obsess abnormal thoughts is just the anxiety...anything people say can become a soap opera in your head...and if you read the site you'll see your thoughts are experienced by others..
are you receiving help ??

28-11-06, 12:19
I am having a hard time finding help. My husband tries to be suppotive but does not understand at all so he is finding it difficult. I can't find a good therapist that I can afford because my insurance just wants to put me on meds and be done with me. Today I am scared to death to go to school because the last time I went to class a kid in my class had a siezure and it was really scary. I am trying to tell myself it is ok but all I do is panic. Just seems so hopeless.[V]