View Full Version : How to get to sleep?

17-03-14, 01:15
I'm a recovering alcoholic, my addiction was brought on by chronic anxiety and depression. I'm getting back on track now, I'm off the sauce, back in work and doing much better overall. However, I'm having terrible trouble sleeping. I never feel relaxed. Leading up to heading to bed I get very anxious about not being able to sleep (I always used to just get tanked so I could sleep). I feel tired, but as soon as I get into bed, I'm wide awake and feeling anxious. I toss and turn for hours in the dark and quiet, which just sets my mind off on all sorts of things. Can anyone give me any tips on how to get to sleep? I'm always tired and irritable in the day since I'm not sleeping properly.

17-03-14, 01:21
I find that listening to quiet music when I'm trying to sleep really helps (: I find that complete silence is the problem when I'm trying to sleep as it allows my mind to wander, and as you said sets it off on all sorts of unpleasant things! I recently made a play list of relaxing music I liked and put it on my ipod, I have ear phones in but when I fall asleep they fall out, just buy some cheapo ones you don't care about possibly lying on/breaking! If not music try podcasts, I'm not sure which but I heard there are some good anxiety ones you could try listening to (: or you could try a comedy podcast or even an audio book so you can close your eyes and don't have to read. I hope this helps!

17-03-14, 01:35
I find that listening to quiet music when I'm trying to sleep really helps (: I find that complete silence is the problem when I'm trying to sleep as it allows my mind to wander, and as you said sets it off on all sorts of unpleasant things! I recently made a play list of relaxing music I liked and put it on my ipod, I have ear phones in but when I fall asleep they fall out, just buy some cheapo ones you don't care about possibly lying on/breaking! If not music try podcasts, I'm not sure which but I heard there are some good anxiety ones you could try listening to (: or you could try a comedy podcast or even an audio book so you can close your eyes and don't have to read. I hope this helps!

That's a good idea! I have a bunch of YouTube playlists set up I could listen to while I go to bed, I have a little tablet computer that will play video with the display turned off that I could use to listen along. I'll give that a try, thanks :)

17-03-14, 01:56
Nice one for getting off the booze, thats a massive step alone.

I think it helps to distract your mind by concentrating on something fully so your anxiety dissipates and you relax and feel tired.

I read which has helped me, but books, not surfing. Screens can pfevent some people from sleeping, but not everyone so its a matter of trying a few things until you find something that works.

Exercise is well known to help sleep. There have been plenty of studies that have shown regular exercisers sleep better. Just not close to bedtime e.g. not within 3 hours.

Avoid stimulants.

Try relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and Mindfulness meditation. PMR is very easy to learn but meditation comes slowly but its worth it and will help with your other issues.

17-03-14, 09:01
Right... I am currently trying to overcome Insomnia.

Forget all the rubbish of eat this, don't do this and listen to relaxing music. It's all rubbish! (In my opinion).

Here is what has helped me:

1) Firstly, you need to reduce your fear of not being able to sleep. I used to get really anxious around 7pm about not sleeping, this fear would come over me and all these thoughts.

>> What I did was start using EFT to eliminate the fear.

This took a few evenings, but now I no longer have the anxiety about sleeping. I have a developed a "oh well" attitude. Which ultimately helps you.

2) Secondly, when you wake at night and are tossing and turning - what are your thoughts? You need to work through these, write them down and when you have time ensure that you tackle them. E.g. I have a lot of anxiety over a guy i am seeing (because he is married and has 2 children) - therefore, I have had to take a backset and put him on the back burner, ensure i dont message him in the evenings and take away any anxieties that may be churning in my head.

3) I listen to Andrew Johnson Deep Sleep app on my mobile phone for 30 mins and set this to not wake me up. I also use an eyemask.

4) I have started to go to bed at the same time each night, 10pm and wake up around 7am. I may only get 4/5 hours sleep but im adjusting my body. After a few weeks I will start to go to bed at 11/12pm and wake at 7am - closing up the window time that I am in bed.

5) I have signed up to "Sleepio" which is an online course and you get a telephone call each week to help your progress.

It seems, if you have a lot of anxiety/depression that has built up from the past you need to work through this and let it go. I am using EFT for this, slowly working my way through a VERY LONG list of things that have happened in my past.

Message me if you would like any help XXX

17-03-14, 20:21
"I have a lot of anxiety over a guy i am seeing (because he is married and has 2 children)"

Wait, what? I'm not going to judge but this really doesn't seem like a good idea, sounds like someone's bound to get hurt there :S As for your advice, it all sounds good, but is this stuff I have to pay for? I'm always dubious about this kind of thing :S

17-03-14, 20:41
I have downloaded free mindfulness, guided meditation and sleep easy apps to my phone. Headphones on et voila!! I find them soothing, others may find them irritating. I did have a little snigger at one when it was talking about my 3rd eye :D
Give it a whirl, nothing to lose!

17-03-14, 20:47
Right... I am currently trying to overcome Insomnia.

Forget all the rubbish of eat this, don't do this and listen to relaxing music. It's all rubbish! (In my opinion).

Except that certain foods/beverages do aid sleep, certain ones don't and relaxing music helps thousands get to sleep (myself included)

Here is what has helped me:

1) Firstly, you need to reduce your fear of not being able to sleep. I used to get really anxious around 7pm about not sleeping, this fear would come over me and all these thoughts.

>> What I did was start using EFT to eliminate the fear.

This took a few evenings, but now I no longer have the anxiety about sleeping. I have a developed a "oh well" attitude. Which ultimately helps you.

I agree with all this, but simply deciding not to worry about whether you get to sleep or not is probably enough to start with.

2) Secondly, when you wake at night and are tossing and turning - what are your thoughts? You need to work through these, write them down and when you have time ensure that you tackle them. E.g. I have a lot of anxiety over a guy i am seeing (because he is married and has 2 children) - therefore, I have had to take a backset and put him on the back burner, ensure i dont message him in the evenings and take away any anxieties that may be churning in my head.

Writing down problems before you sleep is a good idea, if they wake you up later then just let them go.

And seeing a guy who is married with children is next level facepalm.

3) I listen to Andrew Johnson Deep Sleep app on my mobile phone for 30 mins and set this to not wake me up. I also use an eyemask.

Good stuff this

4) I have started to go to bed at the same time each night, 10pm and wake up around 7am. I may only get 4/5 hours sleep but im adjusting my body. After a few weeks I will start to go to bed at 11/12pm and wake at 7am - closing up the window time that I am in bed.

Agree with structure as well

5) I have signed up to "Sleepio" which is an online course and you get a telephone call each week to help your progress.

Can't comment here

It seems, if you have a lot of anxiety/depression that has built up from the past you need to work through this and let it go. I am using EFT for this, slowly working my way through a VERY LONG list of things that have happened in my past.

Message me if you would like any help XXX

I've responded with bold here.

I too have had many nights of insomnia, but worrying about it is the best way not to beat it. Of course it's hard not to when all you want to do is sleep!

I find going to bed early, watching a bit of TV/tablet/music helps me wind down. It's like mind off time.

Also, if I do wake up in the night (which I do, regularly) I just turn over and close my eyes again. I don't analyse it (I do that enough when I'm awake), don't look at the clock and don't sigh to myself. Worst case scenario is I'll roll over and put the TV back on. It's rare that I'm not back asleep within 15 minutes.

Kudos on the sobriety too. It'll take time but you'll crack it :)