View Full Version : Reddish Brownish Blood on Toilet Paper??!

17-03-14, 04:22
Hi guys

I know this is probably TMI as usual. I have had bleeding after my bowel movements before, probably fissure / hemroids or whatever. Usually only on the toilet paper and just a bit. However, past few weeks, on and off when I wipe there's been a brownish reddish or reddish brownish tinge on the toilet paper which doesn't look like fresh red blood and I'm not really sure it's even blood but why is it reddish, especially when I haven't eaten red food. But of course now I'm freaking out because dark blood is bad right? This isn't anywhere close to black it's more like a reddish brown. It's not a lot. There first wipe, faint second wipe and then none.

I'm not on my period and today my bum did sting after pass the movement, but if this is the case shouldn't it be bright red? Help? Anyone had this before that can still come from a fissure or something? It's freaking me out.

17-03-14, 08:27
Yes I have hems and I've had this too. If the color is maroon or black then you should have it checked.

17-03-14, 10:26
is there any possibility that some of the blood was mixed with some leftover stool when you wiped (I stopped worrying about TMI a LONG time ago!!)? It really doesn't sound alarming to me especially if you have no other symtoms of anything. If it's going to keep bothering, then it would be a very simple thing to check out with your doctor so don't stew on it x

18-03-14, 02:29
I had this exact same thing happen 2-3 weeks ago. It sent me into a right tailspin. I'm not sure why it happened.. went to doc and she said not to worry about it. Sigh I dunno

19-03-14, 20:41
Thanks everyone ... I'm glad there's a forum about where TMI is ok. Seriously don't know where else to talk to about these issues?

It happened again today after two days of being fine. This time my bum didn't sting so now of course i'm going crazy again.

I need to know for those people who have experienced this, how often this happens and can it happen one day then not for a couple and then happen again??! Like it comes and goes? Like i said for the past few weeks I would have it one day, not for a week, or one day, then two of three days later again. help !!

---------- Post added at 07:41 ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 ----------

... and I'm still worried that it is not a bright red - it's like a brownish red but it's not a lot just a smear or something :/

19-03-14, 21:57
For me it happened on and off for a total of three times. I was told that mine was a fissure (which was found during an examination) and that they heal very slowly as the environment is so moist and is irritated by passing stools. If the stools are a bit softer, it won't necessarily cause any blood. A bit harder and it might. If it is a fissure or hemmie then you'll find it might be patchy until they're healed x

19-03-14, 22:17
That's the thing ... I guess the last two days where I didn't see any my stools were harder, today it was softer but ...erm larger and there was some. It didn't hurt this time though I started to itch like half and hour to an hour after. I thought fissures were meant to hurt all the time you pass a stool :/

---------- Post added at 09:17 ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 ----------

Also, what does "bright red" blood mean because I know that sometimes when I prick my finger, the blood is bright red, but this is more like a dull darker red ... and I'm worried even though it is only on wiping. Is this still considered fresh blood?

19-03-14, 23:02
Sounds like piles to me if it itches.

Why don't you pop to the doc and get it looked at and get some cream for it?

20-03-14, 05:21
I guess I have a fear of doctors looking up my bits! I get horrendously embarrassed and anxious about it so I'm hoping hemmies or a small tear or something is the cause of it.

I really want to know what people mean by bright red blood though because mine is reddish but doesn't quite fit the description of bright red :(

20-03-14, 16:38
My fissure stung once and never again so I can definitely disprove the hurt all the time theory. And I didn't know I had it until the doc found it.

On the blood colour front, I can't remember exactly but no, I don't think mine was 'bright' either. And please don't be embarrassed. I had my rectal exam done on an emergency appointment by a horrible male doctor when I was on my period. It doesn't get worse than that and I survived!!

22-03-14, 10:20
A rectal exam isn't too bad... Basically they stick a finger up your bum.

Would be curious to know how reliable rectal exams are? I had one other week and she said it was all fine but I still have no explanation for the brownish/pinky on toilet paper.


04-04-14, 00:06
Hi guys, I'm back again on this issue, would love some more help. I am so confused. After my post I was fine for about 12 days I think and then two days ago I went and was a little constipated. I wiped and there was "bright red" blood this time round instead of the reddy / brown. I got my partner to check and there was external piles. I'm not sure if I have internal but I'm sure that's possible.

So After the one day of bright red blood, I was fine for a day - all was normal brown. Then today I had the is this reddish brown are my eyes playing tricks on me thing happen again. Can someone tell me if they had this reddish brown dabs on the toilet paper and that even (TMI) left over stool on the toilet paper seemed reddish brown - I guess the difference is I can tell when there is red in it cos it's different from the normal brown when I wipe but it's definitely not red red. HELP I am freaking out and I'm so sick of feeling like this.

P.S my partner's a doctor and confirmed my external hemmies but I didn't say anything about the reddish brown blood (just the red) because I feel crazy enough already. Anyone help please.