View Full Version : Unusual Mole - Hospital Appointment

17-03-14, 10:47
I am so worried about my daughters mole. She has red/blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes and is 32. She had a new mole appear about 4 years ago and went to the docs who told her it was normal. It has now changed (she can't remember when) and went and saw another GP last Tuesday who told her it had changed dramatically and she needed to have it checked. She has been fast tracked and has an appointment next Monday. I have been googling and have worried myself sick that she has melanoma. Everything seems to be pointing in that direction and I feel ill with worry. How common is this and have any of you been through this scenario? I would love to hear from any of you.

17-03-14, 12:43
Hi Susie,

Having a mole checked is quite common and your daughter is doing the proper thing in getting a medical professional look at it. I'm sure most have had or know someone that has had a mole checked out and/or referred to a dermatologist. I hope all turns out well with your daughter and try not to consult Dr. Google. he doesn't know squat ;)

Positive thoughts

17-03-14, 14:38
Hi Fishmanpa
Thank you for taking the trouble to reply. She's been referred to a cancer specialist which really scares me. I know that's what they're checking for but I didn't think that would be her first port of call. I'm always one step ahead that's the trouble.

17-03-14, 15:10

There's a saying that Warriors (I'm one of them) say and that's "It ain't cancer until they say it's cancer". I know it's hard but the doctors are doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. Let's hope it's good news.

Positive thoughts

17-03-14, 18:09
I had 3 susispicious lymph nodes, and was referred to a cancer specialist (thankfully I didn't know this until I got to the appt). It wasn't cancer.
A referal isn't a diagnosis.

Please keep us updated.

17-03-14, 22:31
please dont google.
i googled my 'suspicious moles' and it only caused me more stress and anxiety. i got referred to a dermatologist and i was so worried that i got a private one for a few days time which cost me an arm and a leg [but not my moley arm] and he said i was absolutely fine. like no concerns what so ever, i cancelled my referral as i feel bad for wasting someones time, and id just forked out for a private one! the doctor is just doing what he/she thinks is best, remember most moles are benign and moles change over time ANYWAY. try not to jump to conclusions - what good will it do? i honestly dont think id be as anxious if it werent for google. i sincerely wish i could unread all of the horror stories and facts and statistics :(
best of luck, my thoughts are with you and your daughter x

18-03-14, 07:45
Hi Susie

Your daughter is doing the only right thing to do by getting this checked. I know it's so hard not to worry and expect the worst, but Jonesle's comment above is absolutely right. Normal moles change as well as 'suspicious' ones.

I have the same colouring as your daughter although I am a 'little' older....I had a mole on my back, which started to change shape and become different colours, the classic signs of something dodgy going on. I was checked by a dermatologist who was all ready to remove it, then he took a closer look and said 'actually if its ok with you I'm going to leave it, there's nothing wrong with it it's just evolving, you'll probably find it will go flat and a more uniform colour over the next year or so'. He was right! So, I would never say 'it sounds fine don't get it checked', these things ALWAYS need looking at, but my point is that there is often a positive outcome.

Hope all goes well

Lin x

18-03-14, 17:50
Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply. I wish I wasn't such a worrier and didn't look up everything on the internet. I hope the outcome is a happy one like yours Lin. I just wish she had done something about it when it first started to change. She has her appointment next Monday (everyday will drag.....wish it was this week). xx

20-03-14, 09:37
I have alot of moles of different varieties. One changed over a few years and worried me to death because it wasnt symetrical. The hours and sleepness nights I wasted over worrying I will never get back. Moles have a natural life cycle. If it changed over 4years that sounds about right, if it changed over 4 weeks I'd be far more worried!!

20-03-14, 09:53
I have a odd looking mole! Googled and totally freaked myself as it isn't symmetrical jagged edges, all the things we are told to look out for. I got it checked and although I wasn't referred I was told it was a normal mole. Try not to worry much she is doing the right thing in getting it checked.

20-03-14, 22:25
Moles are horrid little worriers for me, especially one particular mole.... im so sure its changed dramatically even though I am reasured its still the same. Your daughter is doing the rigjt thing and getting it checked out which isngood.

My sister had a mole on her back when she was like 12, by the time she was 14 or so she had to see a cancer specialist which was fast tracked by our doctor, this mole was really bad, it went from a small brown mole to a large, uneven, raised mole which had a HUGE weord coloured circle around it, she had it removed, got it biopsied and it turned out to be fine, it had a few pre cancerous cells in it so it was good that she had it removed but it wasnt what everyone thought.... now she has two more moles on her back which resemble the one she had removed if not theyblook worse, she had them checked out and was reassured that they are completly fine, shes just one of these with weord moles.... wjat I am basically trying to say is that even though your daughters mole has changed it doesnt nessesarily mean its got to be anything bad....

Good luck to your daughter, im sure everything will be just fine


24-03-14, 09:58
Hi Bingjam, thank you so much for your kind message. It has helped me so much knowing that your sister went through this and all was ok in the end. My daughter's appointment is 10.15 this morning so you can probably immagine I am beside myself with worry. I will put an update on here later, with good news I pray. xx

24-03-14, 10:18
Thinking of you and your daughter :hugs:

24-03-14, 10:25
Here in Queensland doctors are obsessed with dodgy moles. I moved here in 2006 and I literally had about 8 removed in one sitting that the doctor was concerned about. All turned out to be normal, so try not to stress (easier said than done I know) x

24-03-14, 21:03
Susie - how did your daughter get on today? X

24-03-14, 21:41
Jonesle, see my later post :(