View Full Version : Setraline has caused rash?

Dissolved girl
17-03-14, 12:04
Hi Guys

I'm not asking for medical advice - just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something similar.

I have been taking Setraline 100MG for just over three weeks. About a week and a half ago i started to get these large red blotches on my body. I assumed they were insect bites so ignored them.
I then went on holiday and the blotches continued to appear. At the end of my holiday my hands and arms are covered in tiny little lumps. More large red blotches are appearing here and there.
They are itchy and flaking a bit.

I went to the doctor's today and he was confused. He said it looked like the type of rash from an allergic reaction but couldn't be sure. He said it was suspicious that it had appeared now whilst taking the meds.
He said to take an anti-histamine and give it another week.

Has anyone else developed rashes from their meds?
It's really annoying because i am doing well on the Setraline and don't really want to go off it (this was the other option he could advise other than switching to a completely new medication)

Argh. So confusing and annoying.
If anyone has any advice please let me know


17-03-14, 12:13
I have a massive rash all over my shoulders/back as well, it only came up after starting Sert, I haven't been advised to change medication so I'll be interested to see how it pans out for you.