View Full Version : Is suicide an option?? Help.

17-03-14, 17:35
i need help regarding self-esteem and depression.
i'm 15 i always had an average Confidence.
on sunday march 17th 2014 i attracted 12 females.
these 12 females were begging me to date them and have sex with them.
i honestly had huge confidence and i tried hypnosis and my confidence BLEW UP it went crazy i felt motivated i went to the mall to celebrate for this day.
then it was the next that killed me,
this girl said i'm rated 2/10 and that girls will say your cute for pity
i started crying... i honestly feel low?/ whats the point of confidence if deep down i'm a failure ugly human being to them
i know lost trust in humanity...
help!!! alt of girls say my personality is a dream..
i really don't want a girlfriend yet.. if u want to score girls for one night u need sex appeal and i fear i lack that!! I now i'm cute but not good enough for a girl to see i'm that one fish in the sea u would catch and take out
u can look at my other posts i sufffer from OCD btw. i honestly feel likr self-harming somehow? without cutting i'm feeling motivated to feel the pain

17-03-14, 17:47
please speak to someone. suicide is never a option. life is to much of a gift to just throw away

17-03-14, 17:51
No suicide is on an option! If you are feeling this way you have to tell someone now! Call emergency services if you have to! You are only 15 everyone feels insecure at that age. That girl seems like a mean hearted person don't listen to her. These feelings will pass in time. We all go through pain during the teenage years. Hurting yourself is not something you should even consider. You are a gift sweetheart. Please seek help.

17-03-14, 17:54
Peter, whilst girls are a mystery to us all, what I can say with a few more years of experience than you is that no matter what you look like and who you are, some will find you amazingly attractive and some just won't. There is no uniform "ideal", if it was there wouldn't be billions of very different people in very different relationships all over the world.

Though it sounds like this girl was in some way jealous. Or maybe she just really liked you: you'd be surprised just how many people your age make out they absolutely detest someone of the opposite gender when in fact they're in love with them.

But no suicide isn't a very good option. Over your ensuing life you'll encounter people who are madly attracted to you and equally you'll encounter rejection. We all do. Even the most perfect looking models or superstars do. It hits hard the first time, just like your first break-up feels like the end of the world or your first kiss feels like the epitome of love. In a few months you won't even remember this, so don't do something silly over it. ;)

17-03-14, 18:09
i can vouch for serenity here. im in no means a looker but have been in a long term relationship with a stunner for years now. its whats inside that counts

17-03-14, 18:13
Please reach out for some help with a professional, call a friend or family member to help you. I will be praying for you!

17-03-14, 18:19
Peter love your so young you will mature and find a lovely person one day there is more to life than sex don't even think about harming yourself think of All the people you would effect for the rest of their lives ask yourself are these silly little girls worth your life your to precious xx

17-03-14, 20:56
Hey Peter, being 15 is hard, I know! Everything is confusing and working out the logistics of dating and being attracted to people is so hard!

When I was your age, I was called horrible horrible things. I had a BF whose friends thought I was a "dog". I was called ugly all throughout my school years. Now I'm in a relationship with an amazing man who tells me I'm beautiful EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

I considered suicide, I cannot lie about that. I am just so damn pleased that I never actually did this. Life is hard and some days are a real struggle, but there are so many amazing moments and feelings to experience. To give all of that up just doesn't seem right.

Oh and girls can be damned horrible, especially at that age. I'm not even sure if they realise how awful they can be.

Peter, please don't throw all your future away because of something a girl said. When you are older you will look back at this and go "why the heck did I even care what she thought!"

I suffer from OCD as well, if you ever want to talk, feel free to message me. :)

18-03-14, 04:36
thanks everybody welcome

18-03-14, 07:12
ill trade you 33 to be 15 again :)

seriously though you have so much time left to do things, so many places still you can go, so much cool stuff to learn. to see..

just wait until 18... the girls get even better.. and then again at 21!! the fun starts! college.. bars.. real parties..

just do you man. who cares about girls at this point. if one gives you the cold shoulder and talks trash, im sure there are 50 more within the general area that you can talk to.. i wish when i was 15 i could talk to and approach girls, and if what you say is true and you had 12 girls after you and one said no... i think you are doing just fine!!

sex sounds like a cool idea. but it makes things super complicated, especially at 15. i know you have friends you want to impress.. and i know you have the feeling that if you do certain things it will matter, which it will until you graduate and then none of it really matters when the real world starts..

you start over, kinda like a game and reaching a new level. the girls now dont care about what they did when they were 15. now you get to pick them up in your hand me down car unless you have parents that are well off!! and buy you a nice ride.. haha, then you get to take them on real dates. with movies or food.. or both. then you find a girl you really like and the question "how many girls have you been with comes up", wouldn't it be nice to tell her shes your first? or maybe second.. instead of number 23, :) haha

i guess my point is that life has a tendency to change all the time, one day you are 15 wondering what you are doing and who are you supposed to be, and the next day you wake up and you are 30 wondering why you spent so much time worrying about little things, maybe you are married with 2 kids, have a nice house with a nice car.

maybe you are still single living the bachelor life in a nice pad with a 80" Hologram TV, (who knows where they will be in 15 years) but wouldn't it be cool to see it all? maybe invent some of it?

you are going to meet people in your life that you dont like. and who probably wont like you (this is normal). but it doesn't matter youll live your life and they will live theirs, because im sure just like now there are people who like you.. im sure there are girls at your school that like you that are maybe scared to talk to you.

rejection is a beautiful thing in life because it gives us the opportunity to deal with things in a better way.

Im gonna leave you with some quotes to help you get through this tough part in your life.

just remember one thing, that life is valuable, sometimes we don't appreciate it, sometimes we feel lonely and lost, sometimes we just wish it would end, while others wish they had just 5 minutes longer of it. and dont have a choice to live longer. every day is a new sunrise and sunset. a beginning and an end, and every morning we get to start over again. we should feel lucky for that opportunity and use each day to its fullest!!

This is from a smart man,

“there are only so many ways to get rejected or ignored. It doesn't hurt at all anymore because why should someone who's a complete stranger have any control over your sense of self-worth?” - Neil Strauss

“We have this idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love isn't like that. It's a free-flowing energy that comes and goes when it pleases. Sometimes, it stays for life; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month or a year. So don't fear love when it comes simply because it makes you vulnerable. But don't be surprised when it leaves either. Just be glad you had the opportunity to experience it.” - Neil Strauss

“If there was anything I'd learned, it's that the man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her an opportunity to choose him.” -Neil Strauss


18-03-14, 07:38
Peter, I hope you're feeling better today. Suicide and self harm are not options, if you ever have these feelings you must talk to someone. You sound like a lovely caring sensitive person, girls love that! You'll find out I'm right someday soon.

There's some great advice above, please take it on board, and you look after yourself.

Mbarger33, what a great post, do you work with kids/teenagers? You should!

Lin x

18-03-14, 13:01
Peter, I'm concerned that this is the third time you have posted a thread asking the same question.

You haven't said so, but it seems that a lot of what you post has to do with things that are happening online "I attracted 12 females" for instance. Unfortunately the virtual world can be a dangerous one. People are not always who they say they are and it can be a fertile ground for bullying.

As people have said before, you really need to find an adult you are close to and can trust and let them know about the problems you are having. At the moment you seem to think you are failing because you aren't living up to other people's idea of what you should be like.

None of those people matter. You need to know who you are and be happy in, and with, yourself.