View Full Version : Pelvic Inflammatory Disease??!!

17-03-14, 22:02
Since wednesday I've been suffering discomfort and slight pain in my abdomen, and after googling I'm now petrified I've got PID....
I'm terrified I'm gonna be unable to have children in the future, and I've been crying every time I think about it :weep:
Can someone please convince me I'm just overreacting?
I'm trying to reason with myself but it's not working:weep:

17-03-14, 22:09
IBS can cause those symptoms which is very common with those who experience anxiety. The last couple of weeks I've also had those symptoms. I went to a natural organic store and bought peppermint oil capsules, which I must say works amazing!! I've been pain free for over a week. :)

17-03-14, 22:21
So I had to look this up because I had never heard of it and of course it's pretty rare. I assume you're at risk because you have a STD, had it before, are a teenager and have many sexual partners? Besides, abdominal discomfort is one of several nasty symptoms like smelly green or yellow vaginal discharge (eww), high fever, painful urination and sex, high fever, nausea and vomiting.

If the answers to these questions are no and you don't have any of those other symptoms then I would think you're not at risk. If you're really not feeling well, a trip to the doctor (not Dr. Google) would be in order. Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

18-03-14, 12:28
P.I.D. is easily treatable if it's not left for years, if you think you might have it get down the docs for a check. As far as I am aware, the treatment is nothing more than a course of antibiotics xx

22-05-14, 23:49
Hi, I had PID, the doctors didn't believe me when I told them; I was sure that is was PID but as I had had NO STI's but I did have an ovarian cyst that had just deflated so they told me they thought it was the cyst still causing pain, but the pain was getting worse and it was a different pain, turns out I was right, the fluid from the cyst had caused PID, but I was treated for it with a two week cause of antibiotics it was pretty simple, I personally was hospitalised because of the cyst issue aswell but the majority are treated from home, its not actually that rare one statistic says 1 in 50 women have had PID, so if you have any worries go see your doctor and tell them what you think it is, force them to do the necessary tests, the pain is excruitating I had to be put on a morphine drip, so if it is just slight pain it may be something else. Hope some of this helps and doesnt cause anxiety, the only next step is to see a GP.