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View Full Version : I feel like I'm having a fit!!

17-03-14, 22:49

For the last few weeks I have been very twitchy, my legs arms, face, eyes in fact my whole body feels like its shaking and twitching. Like uncontrollable like I'm having a fit, I've been having weird head sensations like my brain jumps forward causing me to jump. Very sensative to light, and blurred vision. Weakness in my hands and arms and legs, does this sound like normal anxiety.

Sorry I just feel very anxious about it all, I haven't had a full on panic attack fora while so I think I'm bottling it all up!!

Thanks x

17-03-14, 23:10
Are you twitching all over a once? Or does your leg twitch then it jumps to another site. Does the blurred vision come and go?

17-03-14, 23:20
The twitching is in my leg for a while then goes to my face or arms, not all over all at once. And the blurred vision comes and goes also. I was diognosed with diabetes in Janurary so I don't know if it has something to do with that. I have also developed a habit of clicking my jaw all the time particularly when stressed or anxious.

Thanks x x

17-03-14, 23:30
Ok I'm not a doctor but it sounds like anxiety to me. The blurred vision may have something to do with anxiety or diabetes. You might want to speak to your doctor just to be sure. No worries :)

17-03-14, 23:34
Thank you RoseEve, I just can't tell anymore what's real and what's not. And I just can't relax, ever, I'm so tense and stiff.

Thank you x x

18-03-14, 00:19
I'm the same, hannah26. I have an actual nervous system condition and extreme anxiety because of it. It can be very hard for those of us who are both ill and anxious to tell what's what.

18-03-14, 02:01
You sound a bit like me a few weeks ago! The fact the twitching is all over is good news as it means it can't be anything nasty, permanent or dangerous. It's a known anxiety symptom, specifically what's happening is your over-active nervous system is firing off all sorts of false signals. This also would explain the jolts etc.

The light sensitivity is also a symptom of a knackered nervous system. The bright light is transmitted by tired, overworked nerves from your eyes to your brain.

With respect to the blurred vision, this is a known anxiety symptom. I don't think the causal relationship is fully understood, but it may have something to do with adrenaline secreted during anxiety dilating pupils. Are the black bird of your eyes massive when you look in the mirror?

I recommend staying away from screens, lying in a darkened room for a few days reading a bloody good book.