View Full Version : Panic attack at the gym... :(

18-03-14, 09:14
Hi All,

I've had a huge set back this morning - got up had breakfast and headed to the gym. Going to the gym is something that always concerns me as I fear that exercise is going to cause a heart issue. I had an ECG last year and I have a short PR rate but apart from that its all good. Now what worries me is that during moderate exercise so rowing, weights I am fine then I jump on the cross trainer to push myself a bit harder and my heart rate is hitting 190bpm... I think that's to high .
Whilst exercising I feel fine, the usual hot, a bit of head pulsating, burning lungs and legs but I think this is normal.

However once I stop the exercise and step off the machine the dizziness hits and feeling really wobbly and just not quite right at all - this then freaks me out and I basically run out the gym, get downstairs have a shower and I start feeling really hot and sick and dizzy and don't know what to do - this fear comes over me that I am going to faint :(

I really want to keep fit and exercise but can't handle the feeling I get once I stop :( I don't know what to do...

18-03-14, 11:04
I get the dizzy feeling too, especially after the treadmill. My sister gets this as well and she does not suffer from health anxiety. I alway feel better after if I have a big drink of water for some reason. When I was really into the gym I felt like it was a waste of time as I was always too scared to get my heart rate too high. Just think though, your heart is an extremely strong muscle and can take alot more than we think!

18-03-14, 11:08
Hey fedup.
I've also been going to the gym and cycling. Infact my boyfriend is a personal trainer so he pushes me really hard! A couple of times I've felt dizzy, wobbly legs, and little twinges in my chest. I think it's totally normal, especially if you've been out of action for a while like I have. A few weeks ago I went for a bike ride, came back and could barely walk! I also felt really light headed too. I think it's just normal. Took me about an hour to feel like my heart wasn't pounding. If you can I'd stop checking your heart rate or BP, it's bound to shoot up and would probably panic anyone!
I had weird chest pains yesterday and was worried about training, but I still went and worked hard and I'm glad I did.
Hope you keep training! X

18-03-14, 11:21
When I haven't worked out in awhile, I always get that dizzy feeling on a treadmill or cross trainer, the second that I jump off of it. I generally try to stand for awhile and let the dizziness pass. At that point, I feel fine. It's the "what ifz's" that are getting to you. The thoughts that are going through your head about what possible could be happening. Once you rushed to the locker room, it sounds as if the anxiety was turning into a panic attack. Keep working out, FedUp. It's doing you a world of good.

18-03-14, 14:10
Thanks guys :)
It seems to happen once I stop so I'm taking that as a good sign.. Its not happening during the exercise.

It also seems to happen when I come off the cross trainer rather than something like the rower so im wondering if its the motion.

Your're right though tanner the what ifs set in... I start looking at the panic button literally and then triggers the what if I faint, what if I have a heart attack..

Feeling much better now and next time I think im going to try and slow it right down on the cross trainer before jumping off :D

Female healthanxiety
18-03-14, 16:04
Hello Fed Up,

I hear you so much - I have just started back, hence my recent post today.

Just so you know - last week, as soon as I got on the treadmill (not even walked) my Heart rate was 160! after 10 minutes it was 190, and that was just walking, I was not even out of breath! - I remember mentioning this to my Cardiologist and he said cover the dame thing up (meaning the heart rate monitor on the machines) and do not even worry about it...

I find it really hard to approach the cross trainer or treadmill as I always feel dizzy after getting off it (try and walk or cross at a really slow rate) so you can get your bearings again and then stand on the machine and slowly come off - believe me this is a normal feeling.

I am too caught in a viscious circle I so want to get fit and lose weight (even more so the weather has brightened up).

I am going to try and go to a zumba class tonight and really fight how crap I am feeling today....


18-03-14, 16:17
I always feel dizzy getting off the treadmill, I but it usually settles quite quickly:)

18-03-14, 16:59
A bit of dizziness after exercise is normal when you're pushing yourself, and a heart rate of 190 during intense exercise is normal too for a youngish person (your max exercise heart rate is supposed to be 220 minus your age, as a guideline). Did you have a stress test at all?

But is there really a point in putting yourself through that and making yourself afraid unless you're training for the marathon; maybe stick to the exercise that doesn't make you feel so bad?

18-03-14, 17:46
Agree with freaked. Why do it if its going to make you poorly? Maybe lay off it for a while while you build up your confidence?

18-03-14, 18:37
I don't really want to run away from the problem if I'm honest...
I'm going to head back on Wednesday but take it a bit easier :)
I went for a run last week but on the road and actually felt fine so I wonder if it's something to do with the motion :s

This definitely caused a panic attack though, I've got therapy again tomorrow night so will discuss it with her :)

I will get there!! X

18-03-14, 23:36
Its probably the adjustment between a false ground compared to the solid ground when you get off. Working to a high BP would add to it. Equipment such as cycles & rowers keep you touching the ground in some way, whereas crosstrainers & treadmills simulate the ground to keep you on the spot.

There is a difference between being out of breath and panic. You still feel in control with the former.

Have you thought of talking to one of the gyms personal trainers? Many of them are certified to receive GP referrals which include anxiety & depression. They may be able to give you alternatives or a plan to work up to until your body adjusts to increased exercise.

19-03-14, 10:44
Well I felt in control but its the dizziness that scares me and always has done throughout this anxiety journey!

I have my review at the gym next week so will mention it then :) I wear a heart rate monitor band and watch and my fiancé says I really need to stop looking as I am panicking whilst exercising which is never a good thing!!

19-03-14, 11:23
FedUp, I do believe that it's the artificial motion that causes the dizziness. I slow down and have a cool down period of about three to five minutes prior to getting off. Once the machine stops, I stand still on the machine for about a minute and that seems to take care of the dizziness. Try that. Keep going to the gym. I find that running away from the things that scare me is never a good idea.

19-03-14, 11:48
Completely agree with you - Im going to go back in the morning and carry on :)

19-03-14, 19:50
It sounds like you may have been overdoing things? I have experienced the odd very anxious moment at the gym in the past - usually during or just after going a bit over the top on the cross trainer!

I think the motion of the cross trainer can be quite dizzying as well and I've never experienced the same dizziness or anxiety with the stationary bike or treadmills.

I also found just backing off 10% helps. For fitness reasons I don't believe there is any reason for the average person to be going absolutely flat out. You can get a good workout just doing slightly less intense work for a tad longer.