View Full Version : Really scared

18-03-14, 13:55
I have been doing alright up until this morning.

I woke up and my heart is racing and pounding I can feel it just by lightly putting my hand on my chest. I am wearing a hoodie plus a shirt and can feel it pounding through both. I am also constantly having to clear my throat to the point were I vomited white frothy stuff. I don't know if this is a heart attack or warning me of an impending heart attack or cardiac arrest. I don't want to die like this but it feels like death is coming to me

nutty nic
18-03-14, 15:46
I hope you are ok now Ryan and your heart has settled down.

If it's any consolation, I wake up like that every morning with my anxiety and it takes at least an hour to calm down. I have learned over the last 8 weeks that this has been going on that it's uncomfortable and scary but you won't die from it.

Try taking some deep breaths in and out not just into your lungs but right down to your diaphragm - count 1,2,3 on inhale through your nose and 1,2,3 as you exhale through your mouth.

It doesn't stop it completely but slows the heart somewhat.
