View Full Version : Excercise now makes me feel extremly exhausted

Female healthanxiety
18-03-14, 15:58
Hello all,

hope your all ok .

so as you may/may not know I had my stint of Heart Anxiety for the last few months which resulted in me being referred to a Cradiologist a few weeks ago, all tests were fin on the scan, holter, the only think the treadmill test showed is that I was unfit for my age (30).

I swore to myself that now there was going to be nothing stopping me from starting back at the gym. the only thing is even a zumba class or a walk on the treadmill (10 minutes at low level), is killing me.

I find I feel great just after my workouts in the evenings, however the next day I then have trouble getting up and the whole day I just feel extremly tired, and I look ill!

Just feel like it is one thing after the other.....

18-03-14, 16:17
Exercise is great to prevent illness, it's also great in small amounts for recovering from it. But during the illness it can cause more problems than it gets rid of.

Me and another user were talking about this in a similar thread and after a little digging around on the internet we found that excercise can actually increase Cortisol levels (Cortisol is a stress hormone which can also be triggered by anxiety etc) among other complex things like adrenal fatigue that we both couldn't understand!

I think the best thing to do is to do small amounts of exercise, until your body has returned to normal mental and physical condition, light walking and yoga were recommended whereas jogging and other fast paced endurance based exercise was not.

Allow yourself to rest if needed, listen to your body not your mind :)

Female healthanxiety
18-03-14, 16:21
Hiya Luna,

thank you - will check your post out.

It is just getting on my blimming nerves to be honest... everyone says excercise will make you feel great - with me that is not the case, even though I really really want to enjoy it (which I do when I do it) its just the next day, which in turn makes me not want to do it!


18-03-14, 16:35
Hiya Luna,

thank you - will check your post out.

It is just getting on my blimming nerves to be honest... everyone says excercise will make you feel great - with me that is not the case, even though I really really want to enjoy it (which I do when I do it) its just the next day, which in turn makes me not want to do it!


It was a thread by AnxietyJoe in the Panic Attack forum.

Yes exercise does make you feel great, it clears out all of those mental cobwebs, but sometimes too much can cause physical ones!

I hope your feeling better soon :)

18-03-14, 16:48
I have exactly the same problem, I really do empathise.

18-03-14, 16:48
How is your heart rate when you're standing for a while? Have docs mentioned less serious (usually) non-cardiac conditions such as POTS or ME/CFS to you? You're at the right age and gender for either and post-exertional fatigue the next day is textbook ME. Another possibility is that these activities are making you nervous and you're overbreathing and tiring yourself out. Like LunaLiuna said, maybe you're just not ready for that kind of cardio yet.

But still, many's the person with one of those conditions has become frustrated wondering why treating their apparent anxiety and exercising wasn't improving their stamina. Worth asking a doc about if your symptoms continue for a while, though awareness of POTS is pretty low. I'm not a doctor (just a person with POTS) but PM if you'd like to know more about it.

18-03-14, 17:29
I'd be interested to hear more about pots?

18-03-14, 17:37
I'd be interested to hear more about pots?

Basically, it's defined as a consistent increase of at least 30bpm or a heart rate over 120 within 10 minutes of standing (after lying down). It's diagnosed by a tilt table test where doctors monitor you heart rate and blood pressure while you go from lying to standing and back again.

18-03-14, 17:41
My heart rate doesn't go that high but it does increase by that much!

18-03-14, 19:10
Just take it easy.

Exercise has put me in hospital twice in the last couple of years, although my reaction to is is somewhat extreme.

Read what we wrote here :-


Female healthanxiety
18-03-14, 20:17
Sorry for the late reply. I had a bad afternoon at work and from 2.00pm had a horrible pressure headache and think I got dizzy from it then started to become anxious and was really sweating under my arm pits. Ewwwwww!

So glad to be home; don't feel so hot and cold now.

Regarding POTS I really don't know I've had all the tests done 3 weeks ago at the cardiologist department and he did not tell me that anything was wrong with my holter, scan nor treadmill test.

It's weird I feel tired after work and then tell myself 'come on you are going to be tired but go to a class, you have to push yourself' when I get to the gym I'm fine and when I'm in a class it does not give you time to think about anything as I'm too concerned in keeping up with the moves and feeling the music, after my class I feel great and not so tired; But it's the next day and the day after!!!!
