View Full Version : Enter the brain fog wall

18-03-14, 16:13
Hi im 19 and my name is xavier and ever since almost two years ago i entered this sort of cloudy slow thinking that was triggered by anxiety of talking to a girl lol. Ive been getting many diagnoses but the one that seemed to stick was ocd. i went to an ocd specialist and i remember in the second meeting i was convinced i had a neurological problem like huntingtons due to my family history. Im just curious to know how i can overcome this fog and be myself again.

18-03-14, 16:30
I get this bad sometimes, I try to think of something and I just hit a wall, kinda like this emoticon :wall:

The easiest way to think of it is like this, imagine you accidentally walk into quicksand, you start to sink, this causes you to panic/fight the sand and eventually you will find yourself completely swallowed by the stuckness that is the quicksand, the more you struggle the more you sink deeper and deeper.

Now what's the thing you probably know to do instead? I'm sure you've seen it on a film or somthing. You don't struggle, if you do it engulfs you. You can't fight something that is you after all, just sit and wait, help will come on it's own. By help I mean without the struggling you'll notice that there isn't any sand at all :)