View Full Version : Heart worries

18-03-14, 16:31
I am convinced I have something wrong with my heart and im going to drop dead any minute. I know im suffering with health anxiety because ive been to the doctors countless times and had blood tests etc

I get really dizzy and heart palpitations, and when that happens I feel a rush of adrenalin and panic. Im constantly checking my heart rate and panicking when I feel my pulse is weak. I get a closed up feeling in my throat and chest pains (not everytime though) It makes me cough sometimes too. Ive googled these symptoms and it tells me im having a heart attack! im 30 years old, my grandparents have heart problems and my aunty had a heart attack before christmas. Im convinced im going to die. Ive been to A+E 4 times! had ECG's but they came back fine. My blood pressure is fine too. Im scared there is something really wrong that they havent picked up on :-(

Im scared to excercise because my heart pounds. I just dont know what to do! Has anyone experienced this ?

18-03-14, 16:49
You'll find a few of us feel exactly the same. No advice I'm afraid but wanted to say you're not alone.

18-03-14, 16:52
Hi JenniiP,

Unfortunately, you could fill a book with similar posts here :( Heart fears are a big one and since anxiety symptoms can mimic heart symptoms it's no wonder. You have the reassurance of several tests and medical professionals saying otherwise and they know much more than Dr. Google I assure you.

While statistically it's not impossible to have heart issues at 30, the reality is unlikely based on what you posted. I'm not a doctor but I have had heart problems so I speak from some experience.

Have you spoken to your doctor about your fears? There are ways you can treat the anxiety you feel. CBT, therapy, meds or a combination thereof may be something to look into.

Positive thoughts

18-03-14, 17:12
Hi JenniiP
Your post reminds me so much of myself, I too worry about heart problems and will not go to the gym for the same reasons as yourself even though I've had a doctors referral to go to help my mood and anxiety. My doctor has put me on bisoprolol for my palpitations and it has lessened the amount of times I experience them alot. Im also waiting to see a psychologist to start a combination of therapies. I would really go back and see your doctor and explain your anxieties and tell him you need some help. You are far from alone in this :)

18-03-14, 17:20
Hiya, thanks for your reply.
Im currently having CBT therapy as ive refused meds and im 6 weeks pregnant anyway so not sure what I could take. But im even anxious about the side affects. id rather overcome this naturally if its possible. I can cope with all the other physical symptoms anxiety gives me but when it comes to my heart im scared to death! Ive seen doctor after doctor about pretty much everything, they all say its highly unlikely that im gonna have a heart attack but im just not convinced. Is an ECG enough? Ive had 4 of these over the past 3/4 months, all coming back normal, but that only tells them what my heart is doing at the time doesnt it. Sometimes I feel my heart jumping in my chest. I wish I wasnt so worried about this...

18-03-14, 17:41
Hi Jenny. I can relate to you as I to suffer with anxiety related to my heart and have had a magnitude of tests. So many ecgs. Countless blood tests an echo a 24hr blood pressure monitor. And I am due to get a holter monitor done on thursday but I still have my doubts

18-03-14, 17:44
How long had this been happening as my heart had a crazy spell in the early stages of pregnancy.

---------- Post added at 17:44 ---------- Previous post was at 17:43 ----------

An ECG does tell them a lot about your heart in general x

18-03-14, 17:46
I might ask for a holter... Im seeing a doctor on thursday. Let me know how you get on Kurtis :)

18-03-14, 17:49
I will :) I have a follow up with my cardio at the end of the month so ill have my anserws then. Stay positive :)

18-03-14, 17:50
This has been happening since xmas/January time... So before this pregnancy. Anxiety gives me so many symptoms but the one im most scared of is my heart acting all weird on me, the tight chest and feeling that something is stuck in my throat. sometimes I get weird sensations down my left arm. Its just hard to believe its all in the mind.

18-03-14, 18:39
I know all too well what you are going through my heart is my biggest fear from heart attack, stroke, sudden cardiac death I have thought of them and still fear them on a daily basis it's the only part of my health anxiety that continues to bother and torment me, I have had an ekg, holter monitor, blood tests and still can't believe something isn't wrong with my heart. You are not Alone I suffer daily