View Full Version : Here I go again! Health leaflet puts me in a spin.

18-03-14, 16:58
My HA has been fairly well under control for quite a long time now - but I've realised it takes very little to make it resurface :ohmy:

A leaflet came through the post from the NHS a couple of weeks ago telling older ladies what to watch out for in their breasts as finding a lump isn't the only symptom, and breast cancer is mainly found in older women. Okay, I thought, I know all this, check regularly and still have my regular mammograms. But - the last thing it mentioned was pain in the breast or armpit. (I always thought only quite advanced cancer would be painful and you'd have some of the other symptoms by then)

So what happens - I get breast pain. Well, underarm pain first of all, which was almost certainly muscular and which hadn't previously worried me. Now, I've suffered intermittently from breast pain for 40 years or more since I finished breast feeding my middle child - a huge hungry baby who could suck a double sized feed in 3 mins per side (and then puke it back of course, as it was too much!)

This feels exactly the same as that familiar pain I've had for years. As well, I had a mammogram only a few months ago, the breast looks and feels perfectly normal, this is a common sensation for me - and most telling of all, when I took a diazepam the other day the pain disappeared!

I have been trying to reduce my (already small) dose of mirtazapine, and I wonder if perhaps I should take it back up to previous levels - I've only reduced it by half a tablet every other day, against strong medical advice. But I was fed up of the appetite and the difficulty of losing the weight I've put on, and of feeling so dopey in the mornings.

Basically, what I'm saying is - worrying about a possible disease can very easily give you symptoms of that disease. We all know it don't we, but we still do it. :blush:

18-03-14, 20:07
You are so right in what you say. I like you received this leaflet and felt exactly the same. It was almost as though they were telling you you were definitely going to get it. I also feel the same about all the government adverts which continually bombard you on TV, if its not a stroke, its a heart attack, or lung cancer or breast cancer. It never seems to stop. It sends my health anxiety into overdrive.

18-03-14, 22:29
I don't think we received this leaflet yet. I worry about the big c a lot, I always finding myself down and the doctors for one reason or another.

I know it is important for females and males to be aware of the symptoms. The adverts keep coming lung, bowel, heart attack, breast cancer etc. I know the adverts are important if it can save people life, however do think that some of awareness have probably cause me to worry a lot more and a lot more self checking daily.

18-03-14, 23:03
You have done the right thing and gone to see your GP about the breast pain always best to get it checked out as it might be something as simple as a trapped nerve. I would say if you notice any lumps, discharges or changes in your breast then get it checked out, you are nit wasting anyone's time with that