View Full Version : daily chest aches and pains just driving me mad!!

18-03-14, 18:16
hello all i have had this nearly 2 years and i ve had 3 ekgs and bloodwork and numerous blood pressure tests all normal still i cant beleave i am fine its so annoying. i have poor posture and been told this will not be helping but again i just cant get past the worry i ve got a heart issue. i am 25 and i am trying to exercise more and when i think ok im pushing myself and i recover in like 5 mins or less i think i am doing good but then ill get a twinge or a pain and think oh crap again its like 1 step foward and 3 back its so annoying. anyone else going through this particular issue?

18-03-14, 23:42
Yes, with exercise it bothers me that it can simulate some of the anxiety symptoms. I also worry about the aches & pains the following days.

I used to never worry about before all this happened.

Do you sometimes think you a weak person and not as tough as "normal" people? It makes me feel a bit worthless to be honest and not much of a man.

Its just the fear of bringing it on or making things worse but also that even if I do it, I still wont change.

Its really a matter of exposing yourself to it until you can tolerate it more, or so I was told in CBT but its easier said than done.

07-05-14, 13:27
hi i get a tight chest and fast heart but becouse i am going through a bad time i cant go to the docs so ive just had a telephone consaltation. i know she cant say my heart ect is fine but she did say that its classic symptoms of anxiety when i get my act together i will go see the nurse to have it checked though. i dash about and dont get so breathless but i still worry i cant relax so makes things worse.