View Full Version : B12 worries

Round in circles
18-03-14, 19:41
I decided to get back on the pills I've let slip since Xmas, namely ferrous gluconate and cyanocobalamin (b12). Both of which were prescribed by the GP after blood tests showed I had a deficiency.

The iron isn't really freaking me out but the b12 is. The doc said that b12 supplements are very well tolerated so I wasn't too worried prior to taking them, but every time I take one I get headache, dizziness and nausea. This led me to google it and..

I was horrified to find out that it contains cyanide. The cyanide molecule is bound to the b12 molecule (I think). I also read that when the body utilises the b12, the cyanide molecule is discarded which then has to be excreted by the kidneys. This lead to a major anxiety attack.

Through further reading I found that cyanocobalamin can cause low potassium. I already have a history of low potassium due to bulimia. Queue anxiety increase.

I know this form of b12 is the most common, not only because it's the cheapest but also the most stable but I'm really worried here. I have an appointment with the GP in two weeks and I'll ask her about my concerns when I'm there, but that's ages away. I don't know whether to persevere with the b12 in the meantime, despite being terrified of taking them, or stop taking them till I speak to the doc.

I know most people will probably roll their eyes about this, but I have a real pill phobia at the best of times. I've had so many reactions to various meds in the past. I seem to have a very high sensitivity for most drugs.

I'm pretty sure it was being left on omeprazole for years that led to the low b12, which in turn may or may not have caused the anaemia. I am massively distrustful of all meds ever since I was encouraged to try every ssri under the sun (one at a time) like I was a guinea pig. I don't even take pain killers for headaches.

Sorry for the long post. I have a tendency to ramble when I'm freaking out :(

18-03-14, 19:56
If that's the case, I'd be long dead and buried. I've taken a B-12 supp (and a B complex) as well as others for years. There's probably more danger in the preservatives in the foods we eat than a B-12 vitamin supp.

Positive thoughts

18-03-14, 20:25

I've taken B12 cynacobalmin for years and never had any issues :)

Round in circles
18-03-14, 22:53
You guys are right, I KNOW you guys are right. Just hating this low level dizziness I get every time I take b12. I've also got seriously bad stomach pain going on, but that's probably not related as I don't recall having that previously.

18-03-14, 22:59
I would pop into your local pharmacy and have a chat with the pharmacist there. They are an excellent source of information and it also helps them gain The enhanced service criteria they need off the NHS.

18-03-14, 23:23
I would agree with the above, pharmacists know far more about medications and supplements than GPs.

For the GP to prescibe it, its been through rigorous drug trials.

You know its safe, its just your anxiety, you can get reassurance of a pharmacist whilst you work towards getting your thought to behave long term.

The cyanide level is so low it is classed as negligible.

Round in circles
22-03-14, 12:02
I see the doc next Thursday so I'm going to see if there's a different preparation I can try as I'm still feeling yuck all day after taking any. Looking back.. When I went on one of my health kicks and took a good quality multivitamin I felt just as sick. At the time someone suggested that it could be the b vitamins doing it but I didn't pay them any heed.

Perhaps I can get a smaller dose that will be more gentle on my crazy system. I hope so. Thanks for the replies everyone. Much appreciated :)