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View Full Version : obsssessed with cancer

miss diagnosis
28-11-06, 12:22
Since reading an article in a womans mag about some girl who died of cervical cancer even after tests Im convinced I have cancer of some part of the womb. I went to the doc who says Ijust have thrush but I cant get rid of it. Is this cos im stressing over it? I made my self not htink about it for a week and it went away. I have my boyfriend driven nuts cos im refusing sex in case I show any symptoms

28-11-06, 12:35
hi miss, its really easy to become stressed out by magazine articles as they always dwell on the 'one in a million' cases - they wont run an article about all the people who have who had cervical cancer, had it treated and are now fine, so try to bear that in mind.

your doctor will know what signs to look out for, so if he says it is thrush then it is most probably thrush (or at least, it will not be anything serious) - it is very common to have recurrent thrush - did he give you anything to treat it?

the fact that it went away when you didnt think about it suggests that it might be at least partly psychological - if it was cancer it wouldnt do that.

if you continue to have symptoms go back to your doctor and ask for something to treat it with - you might want to mention to him that you feel worried as that way he can reassure you - it has probably not even crossed his mind that you are worrying about it being cancer.


miss diagnosis
28-11-06, 12:41
I told my doctor i get freaked out by these articles but she just told me to stop reading them And to stop looking things up on line as well!!!!
Thank god for this website though!!

28-11-06, 12:41
Hi there,
I totally agree with strawberrie, if you keep on having symptoms , the thing to do is to go back to your doctor, 5 mins and he'll have your mind at rest. Just tell him how worried you are about it and im sure everything will be fine.........

Thinking of you
shirley xx

29-11-06, 02:11
Thanks for posting this topic! Earlier this year when I got a pap smear done I was too spooked to even call and get the results. I've just ended up telling myself that if there was anything abnormal I'd be contacted. HOWEVER, when I'm feeling particularly vulnerable, I start thinking about how my file could have just gotten lost in the shuffle and how I could be carrying on with an untreated case of cervical cancer.

I also think about whether ovarian cancer would show up at all on a pap smear. The crazy thing is that I have no reason to even suspect ovarian or cervical cancer. ....well other than the inexplicable aches and pains that plague me in the general reproductive region. Sometimes these pains hold more sway in my mind than all of the rational advice in the world. Arrrgh!

There are so many cancer awareness campaigns that inadvertantly fuel my cancer-phobia. I am waaaay too aware of cancer. I am trying to avoid reading articles/ads but it's hard because they're everywhere. Canada's national paper, the Globe & Mail has been doing a HUGE series on cancer recently. I try so hard to avoid reading the articles but it hasn't been easy. All I have to do is read one story and I will obsess over how the same misfortune will happen to me. It's hard on the brain but I can't seem to control it!

I hope you're feeling better tomorrow. Let us know how you're making out.

XOXO - Erin

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
-Dr. Seuss

miss diagnosis
29-11-06, 11:34
its very reassuring to know im not the only one. My symptoms have defo eased now im not focusing on them. I had a blood test a while ago cos my hair was falling out. I was a nervous wreak for the whole week.
Had to make my boyfriend ring clinic. turns out its stress. go figure.
I watched my dad die of stomach cancer last year. it was the most horrific thing ever. wonder if it has anything to do with my obsession?

29-11-06, 19:14
hello Miss
i to saw my mum die of pancreatic cancer 4 years ago and it was horrific too, thats what started my problems and like you i was obssesed with the fear of cancer, every slight twinge or cough if iwent to the toilet more then twice a day,any headache anything would send me spiraling into full blown panic and anxiety convinced i was going to die,so i truly know what your going through,what helped me was counselling,hypno tharepy,holistic therapays, this website etc ,now im alot better and dont really worry about it so much allthough i still get the occasional bad thought, but im lot more rational nowadays
good luck and dont worry your not alone
take care now Mick