View Full Version : Weed reaction, spacey feeling

19-03-14, 02:19
I smoked weed last year august, I don't know if it was laced or not, but I smoked it with me and 3 of my mates. I had like 2 and a half straight joints no tobacco cause I was amateur. My high started when I almost lost the ability to feel my legs and body when numb, then a rush from my head ran down to my legs for like 5 minutes. After 5 minutes I started feeling lost, like a delay, slow, relaxed, having a laugh. I woke up next morning and felt fine after half the day went, the second time I smoked 1 week later, I smoked 1 and a half joints no tobacco, just got a high none of the rush or anything even though it was the same batch, the next day, I felt effects still. I thought it would maybe take a day or two to recover. I didn't it was in December when I was with my friend. We had a small mix and got ******, I'm pretty sure this wasn't laced it was with a bing and had tobacco. I felt like I did after the second time didn't feel worse but still like ****. I did it again 2 weeks later and felt worse then the first time, I'm set on not doing it again.

I feel as if I'm constantly confused, lost, as if I'm kinda of always feeling after the next day of the high really lost, slow, lagginess, my memory is absolutely terrible as it was so good before, I feel a lot dumber then I did before, I felt somewhat smart before and now I feel less then average smartness wise, my grades dropped etc. I heard I may have derealization which I thought was true, but I couldn't really fix my derealization as I didn't know how to take my mind off of it. Everyone has said in other posts just do something active to take your mind off of it, but I feel as if mine is so severe that I constantly can't take it as it's just really bad every day. At first I had suicide thoughts. I think i got linked with anxiety too, I feel as if my words are always at the tip of my tongue and fail to remember basic knowledge I should know. My spelling is now terrible as I used to be ace at spelling. My brain feels jumbled and am desperate to fix it. Some days feel better then others, I'm currently exercising 3 times a week, vitamin b tablets, calcium tablets, magnesium tablets, l-theanine tablets, iodine tablets and sometimes 5-htp tablets when I go to sleep. And for my friends they didn't really feel anything except my mate that did it with me the second time, he got over it though and told me it was drug induced derealization, I believe him but think It could be more then that, I've seen a doctor and he didn't really know what I was talking about when I told him the symptoms, they have referred me to a psychiatrist, my friend recommended a psychologist. I don't want to see any as the psychiatrist will put me on anti psychotics and may not work and probably has side effects. + will give me a record every time I go for a job. Psychologist may not work and gives me a record as well. Which will effect my further life. I'm 15 years old and going through year 10. I can never focus and find it hard to concentrate I almost get dizzy when I try to read as my eyes sometimes jump words, I also jump words when I read, as if I read the word before the one I was supposed to say, I also have loss of coordination, don't see much point in the future, in life, feel as though I'm really dependent and feel as if I won't do well for myself in life. Sorry for the drain but I'm pretty desperate, I rather see a psychologist then a psychiatrist but prefer none if possible. If you have an idea list all of them and I'll decide whether or not I'll take them up. Thanks for your time. If I've left anything out you'd like to know just ask me.

I don't think it was laced, as previously I wasn't really mates with the guy and now I am, he said it was a sativa strain, and that was the **** he smoked had left over and sold it, he didn't know it was going to me and my mates as there was a middle man, he said he wouldn't of given a beginner the strong **** if he had of known.
I had bud from two different sellers, one was in a metal mulish a sort of Grammy bag and the other a purple lady Grammy bag, I mixed the both of them together, I think one was indica and the other sativa.

So once again the symptoms are:
- dizziness
- feeling unbalanced
- feel like there's something wrong with my eyes
- head feels different from body
- mind is jumbled
- can't concentrate
- eyes sometimes randomly jump (when I'm trying to concentrate on something they'll sometimes look away for a split second)
- absolutely ruined my memory
- feel dumber
- feel as if I'm kinds high but obviously not
- my legs muscle twitch sometimes (only when I lie down)
- lost
- confused
- really spacey
- my mind drifts a lot
- fear that I'm going to have a shit future
- not scared/expecting of death (does risky stuff)
- derealization ( what I've been told I may have )
- anxiety (what I've been told I may have)
- feel like I'm going insane
- done some research and very worried I may have psychosis (I hope to god I don't though)

Thanks for your precious time, love you guys <3 any advice would be amazing <3