View Full Version : Don't know what's happening to me

19-03-14, 12:32
Last week I was prescribed some sertraline. I've had citalopram before which I didn't tolerate.
So I took tablets on two days. First day was semi ok apart from being major spaced out. Second day I suddenly felt like I couldn't breath. It felt like my chest was being crushed. Every time I moved I had cold waves run through my body and couldn't breath, even if I took a deep breath this happened and my tongue would tingle.
So I stopped the tablets and was prescribed some diazepam after being checked over. I've been taking three 2mg a day and my breathing issues have eased but still there though not to the extreme.
I was doing school run today and again felt like I couldn't breath, legs went like jelly, lightheaded and thought I would vomit. This is with the diazepam as well.
Surely these tablets calm the panic? They worked for me a few years ago so I'm thinking that actually maybe its a problem with my heart or blood gases or something.
I've been checked over twice and told ok. Got an ECG on Friday.
Every time I stand up or go upstairs or walk or see anyone I can't breath.
I'm at the end of my tether. I feel like something dreadful is going to happen to me.
I just sat here earlier and felt tightening in my chest and then cold chills all over my body and in my groin. Tingling.
Sorry for the long ramble bit wondered if anyone might know what's going on.
I thought it may be themeds but they will have worked out my system by now as the last I took was Friday morning.

19-03-14, 14:04
Oh my! You are indeed going through a very hard time. It seems like you have been doing some meds hopping. Apart from the medicine, what do you do to cope with your anxiety?

Have you tried to meditate? The breathing problem is also know to myself. The best thing for me to do during such a spell of weakness and breathlessness is to focus on something in my mind. I visualize something that makes me feel calm. Like a walk with the dog in the vineyards. I just go into my mind and follow his tail and see his happy face, while I put one foot infront of the other.

Usually this helps me. By now I am better at the meditation and also practice mindfulness. In the first phase of my panic disorder I meditate for 45 minutes. Now only 20 minutes of mindful breathing helps me to calm down.

Most important is your doctor seems to feel that you are in no real danger. Do you feel you can trust this opinion? Can you manage to do something small for yourself today that you enjoy and that does you good? I really hope so.

You are an advanced member, so maybe all these things that I am saying is not new to you. Sometimes we need to be reminded of the basics. I too realize my life is changed forever. Re-inventing yourself is not without its challenges.

FYI - I am on no medication.

Good luck!

20-03-14, 04:22
i hate to hear that changing meds are like starting over