View Full Version : Just came over very strange

19-03-14, 12:58
Hey guys not been on here for a while because ive made great progress but something just happened that threw a spanner in the works. Basically woke up with an upset tummy today but gone to work as normal. Anyway sat with a customer all of a sudden I felt faint then this followed by what I remember of my panic attacks ive had I felt a little sweaty heart pounding I was shaking and just felt terrified anyway I talked myself down and im fine now. Could this be linked to my stomach? I really feel terrible like I should be in bed. No other symptoms im pleased to say though I use to get dizzy and tight chest and throat didn't get that on this occasion. Any ideas?

20-03-14, 09:33
You did well in the way you coped with how you was feeling I to ave got up this morning with a upset tummy I feel quiet sick as well which sets my anxiety high as don't like being sick as it makes me sweat then the panic comes but you are ferry much in control enjoy yr day knowing how well you handled yr symptoms take care