View Full Version : Hi, I'm not normal either!!!

19-03-14, 21:44
Hi, I'm Sarah, am 27 and believe im a bit mental!! I thought something was wrong with me with regards to having Horrid feelings at certain times, shaking,feeling sick,dizziness, feeling hot, shaking etc. blood tests were done and everything was fine. I think I knew that they were panic attacks as had some when younger but wanted to be sure it wasn't my health and also in a way wanted there to be something wrong with me health wise as I didnt want to believe I had a 'mental' issue. I wanted a cure yesterday for the way I was feeling. They happen every morning now and every time I have to go somewhere social as I fear I'm going to have another panic attack and the vicious circle appears etc!! Have just started CBT, am very reluctant to meds- dont do medicine!lol!!! Anyway if there Is anyone who would like to chat or who can relate to my story then just drop me a message. I have already found this website supporting without talking to anyone,it's just a nice feeling knowing your not alone in this. Thanks for reading xxx

19-03-14, 21:57
Welcome to nmp :)

No need to rush things, see how the cbt goes, work with the therapist on making a plan to get over this, not everyone needs meds to get better...its all about changing the way you think about things

20-03-14, 11:19
Thanks for your reply x

20-03-14, 14:46
Hi :welcome:to NMP. No such thing as normal lol.:D