View Full Version : really could do with some reassurance right now

19-03-14, 21:56
Hi everyone
I've managed to stay off this site for a few weeks and I've been doing really well.

Unfortunately ive hit a dead end, a blood clot fear back and I can't sleep due to the worry. I know reassurance doesn't help in the long run but I could really do with some right now :(

Yesterday I was walking had a severe pain in my knee. It continued all dat but wasn't worryIng. Today its spread to behind my knee and my calf, now my thigh is hurting badly. I'm so scared I can't sleep and I'm exhausted.

I hate this anxiety for what it puts me through :(

19-03-14, 22:23
Hey Roxy, I had get pains in my knee on and off, sometimes if you hurt it somehow or overstretched it it can hurt and surrounding muscles may be affected especially if you keep walking on it? Probably best to see a doctor though it sounds muscular?

Round in circles
19-03-14, 22:37
Could you have pulled a muscle or something? You've been doing well, and you will again. This is just a blip :)

19-03-14, 22:45
I was just walking and had a really awful pain in my knee. I've had dodgy knees for a while and this was incredibly painful, but only occured when I was continuously bending my knee. My mum thinks i could have twanged a tendon or something and I really wasn't worried.

Its only now its spread to my thigh/calf (or blood clot territory as I call it!) that I've started to think of a blood clot. I really hope its just a blip, life has been very bearable these last few weeks like a glimpse of the 'old' me.

Blood clots along with aneurysms were my two absolute worst fears :(

Round in circles
19-03-14, 22:53
If you've a history of knee pain, it could just be a flare up of an old injury. I get a bad knee once in a while. I strap a sports support thing on it and it seems get better better within about a week.

The pain in your calf and thigh could be due to walking differently because of the knee pain, but if it's really sore it might be worth getting it checked.

19-03-14, 23:01
I have terrible joints. They crack and make dreadful noises. My knee is v.sore but my calf isn't anymore and my thigh isn't bad anymore. I can flex my foot towards me with no calf pain.

I have been visiting dr Google way too much :(

Round in circles
19-03-14, 23:15
Oh it's good to hear the thigh and calf are a bit better. Those elastoplast sports wraps are good for sore knees.

Lol, I know what you mean about creaking joints. It's my shoulders that sound all crunchy.