View Full Version : Breast cyst bigger

19-03-14, 22:35
Is this normal had it diagnosed by u/s 2 months ago def bigger now. Panicking don't want to go back to breast clinic. Can they grow?

19-03-14, 23:12
Well yes they can but what is happening with treatment etc for it?

20-03-14, 18:40
Nothing :( it was just diagnosed via u/s and they discharged me. Went back to the drs today and she brushed it off.

I know I have had HA and been a pain, but it worries me.

Its not a big cyst which is probably why they left it. I dont know

20-03-14, 19:30
Hi Sahara
Sorry your still having problems. Its totally normal for cysts to change size. I can totally sympathize with your worries, even after my ultra sound I keep thinking there is a new lump.

20-03-14, 21:10
I am just annoyed because I know I have HA but I also deserve my cyst to be checked. Sadly because I have been so much they are brushing me off and I am scared now they will dismiss me if it continues to grow. Its small and firm but definitely bigger. I shall leave it a month and see. Was yours a cyst flossy?

20-03-14, 21:17
They just said part of normal breast tissue. I think I am going to ask the nurse to check them for me rather than me poking. I also found out help full to note the size in my diary, more often than not the change was mostly in my head.
Hope that helps, I genuinely think they are so cautious these says they will send you if is a potential problem.

20-03-14, 22:26
How did you record the size? It's hard to put it into words or measure it!

21-03-14, 22:26
Anyone have experience of their cyst growing

22-03-14, 19:42
Hi sorry for the late reply.
I estimated as best I could and got my partner to feel it too.
I.e. its kidney bean sized. Or two finger tips wide.
I hope that helps.

23-03-14, 01:17
Thanks flossy my partner can't feel. No arms so down to me which is baad cos I am surer my minds play tricks. Thanks Hun x

23-03-14, 02:07
I had a cyst and it got to the size of two fingers across.It was fluid filled,so it was removed by a Needle Biopsy.It didn,t hurt,believe it or not.
Ive also has a pea sized hard cyst on the outer nipple area for years ,this hasn't grown,and no treatment was necessary .I was told it was on a milk duct and is quite common.
A friend of mine had large cyst removed by a small incision. Hers was solid.
Did they say what type of cyst yours was when you had a Ultrasound sahara?

23-03-14, 13:15
Hi ladies

I'm in the middle of a breast panic at the moment so I know how you're feeling!

Sahara, it's totally normal for cysts to change size, especially for them to feel bigger coming up to your period. If they've said it's a cyst it's not going to change into something else, even if it grows. Cysts are very easy to identify on ultrasound according to the doctor who did mine recently.

It's really hard to know what feels right, one of my breasts feels totally different to the other but I've been assured all is well, but to me it still feels weird and I am still at the stage of constantly checking.

Lin x

23-03-14, 15:58
Sahara maybe you could see the nurse at your practise and ask her to check?
Lin that's exactly my problem!! One feels different. Which makes me totally paranoid.
I need to stop checking too , it makes me sore and then more worried.
I think I would happily pay for an annual check!!
I know we can all get past this though!!:)

24-03-14, 18:50
Flossy, I am thinking of paying to get an annual check. I find it totally impossible to check myself now as there are so many lumps and bumps and I can also feel all my bones and ribs, the whole thing just freaks me out a bit.