View Full Version : Pain in head and eyes

20-03-14, 00:03
Hi guys I'm new to this forum and thought I would ask for some advice.

I've had a few issues lately (all stress/anxiety related) and my latest problem is this pain around the top of my head.
I first noticed it only if i applied pressure to the area and it would give me a sharp "migraine like" sensation but it would go away pretty much straight away after i stopped touching it, this went on for about a month.
THe past week or so i have been experiencing the pain without having to touch the area and it has now started to affect my left eye. I have had a constant feeling in the bottom of my eye and it pulsates every now and again and I am beginning to think that I may actually have something serious here. I have been to A&E and to my GP twice about the issue and BP came back normal and they shone a light into the my eyes and nothing came up. I was told by the DR at the hospital I may need a CT scan but my GP doesn't want to give me one as he said he says i don't need one and that it could do me more harm than good.
I'm starting to think now that it could be a brain tumour, start of a stroke, a blood clot, haemorrage or temporal arteritis because pain killers don't seem to ease the pain.
If anybody has; or knows of anyone who has felt this sort of pain please let me know cause i'm starting to get stressed again and i don't want to go back to that state of mind cause it makes my girlfriend worry.

20-03-14, 09:34
Hi, the pain in your head sounds like tension headaches which can go on for days and are not always relieved with pain killers. I think you should go back to your GP, explain your anxiety and say you feel it will continue to get worse until you have a CT scan to be reassured that all is well.

I also had problems with my eyes and I went to opticians who were able to reassure me that all was well.

21-03-14, 09:00
I always thought a tension headache was when you felt like there was a band over your head?

21-03-14, 09:41
Alonso, welcome to the boards :)

Muscle tension can come in many shapes and forms, it may not be a tension headache per say but it still may be related to muscle tension from stress or simple things like bad posture (do you spend a lot of time looking at computers or looking down at your phone/tablet).

You could ask your GP what approach to take next, if they feel it's muscle tension related then what steps could you take? As in should you see a physio or would some yoga/relaxation techniques help.

22-03-14, 14:15
I do spend a lot of time on my computer and phone i never thought that it could cause this sort of a pain. I just immediately thought i had something seriously wrong with me and started jumping to conclusions.

28-03-14, 08:38
Just a wee update, the pain is still there if i press it and i also get a pain around the side of my head, sometimes it feels warm and makes my ear warm too. I also get spells where i think my vision is going blurry and i get dizzy but they go as soon as i notice it and this comes and goes. Starting to get a bit down about it all and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Female healthanxiety
28-03-14, 09:20

I get these A LOT.

I would often say to my colleafues at work - I have a headache in my eye, and they would laugh!

They are tension headaches and effect the eyes and the head.

I find mine are worse if I am stressed, tired or run down xx

don't worry about it - try and have an evening relaxing and drink herbal tea xx

28-03-14, 09:22
You should take note of what you're doing when this happens to you, that way you'll notice what triggers it. It still does sound like muscle tension related problems (do you happen to clench your jaw or grind your teeth?) but you should talk to your doctor about it if it's continuing to bother you.

Pressing and poking will make the area tender, so try not to do that.

28-03-14, 21:39
Yeah i am pretty stressed with uni work and stuff and it's reassuring that hopefully it's just a tension headache it just feels weird and i don't like the sensation, really freaks me out and yeah i'll start to write down when it happens.