View Full Version : Oh no ! Left arm pain and chest tingling !

20-03-14, 00:23
Sooo my left arm is painful and feeling slightly warm and numbish like pins and needles but not quite if that makes sense and my chest is tingling ! Now this is worrying me! Iv been on sertaline for 7 weeks now and felt like I was doing really well but the past 2 weeks been having terrible palpitations again and now I'm laying in bed with this tingling. Anyone experienced this or is it an A&E trip ?

20-03-14, 01:24
Hey Sarah, I'm no medical expert but I can tell you the chances of you having any heart problems are minimal.

Left arm pain, tingling chest can be simple explanations but in a heightened anxious / panic state it's hard to think rationally.

It could be brought on by tuning into your body and looking for symptoms, leaning on your arm etc.
