View Full Version : Hello everyone, new here and deathly afraid of Pancreatic Cancer.

20-03-14, 00:32
Since november i haven't been feeling well, I've had 3 blood tests, an EGD, and an abdominal ultrasound that came back negative. At first when this happened i thought it was stomach cancer - because I have gastritis and i read if you don't treat it right it can turn out to be stomach cancer, then from then on i went to Colon Cancer, Colitis, Crohns Disease. It comes out that there was nothing wrong in my digestive track after my testing, no infections and no pre cancerous cells. However after my tests i didn't believe this doctor, it was hard for me to believe after being sick for 3 months there's nothing wrong with me so then he wanted me to get an Ultrasound just to make me feel better. The night after my test i went out to dinner with my girlfriend to celebrate but in the back of my mind i wasn't happy with the results I was nervous about my biopsy results that something will come back, then at 3 am the next morning i had a sharp abdominal cramp that woke me up and it was the worst feeling in the world, from then on i thought i had pancreatitis, because i googled the symptoms and the pain i experienced and web md said it was Pancreatitis, so i was being extra careful of what i ate. The morning of my Ultrasound i had another abdominal cramp but this time it went to my back and left my back sore, i was nervous as all hell. Went to the Ultrasound, told the technician about the pain i felt she didn't seem too concerned during the entire ultrasound screening, So when i came home that day what did i decide to do? Google Abdominal pains that go to back at night and the first thing that came up... Pancreatic Cancer. That was it. I went into a spiral of depression and a fear of death ever since. That entire week i felt almost every damn symptom of that disease, i had floaters, dark urine, itchiness, numbness in my arms and legs, I really believed i was a goner. Then Ultrasound results came back negative so i was shocked, i couldn't believe why i was feeling any of this. So finally most of those symptoms disappeared and i got new ones mostly muscle aches and i still have the back pain and now its in my lower back, I started getting help and i recently got on Citalopram but i don't think its working anymore, I've only been on it for two weeks. I still have this fear of death that i'm going to be leaving my little girl and my girlfriend behind, i constantly get depressed thinking about that. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for reading and listening.

20-03-14, 04:15
Hello and welcome. It's great your tests came back all clear! Sounds like symptoms that may be IBS. Check out the link on the side of the forum.

---------- Post added at 04:15 ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 ----------

Also may I add that by floaters you mean stool that floats, not eye floaters. You are going to send some of your friends into panic mode. :D

20-03-14, 09:02
Billy Slow down mate three months with undiagnosed pancreatic cancer you would have been very ill by now I'm sure I am like you and have gastritis but my fear is stomach cancer I understand very well your fear but what you should do is list the for s and against your tests are normal in all areas the dark urine and other things has gone and.honestly anxiety and gastritis can make u throw up boy I know this personally please try to chill a bit I'm sure if they thought there was any chance you'd be sorted what's making g you so ill is your anxiety I bet try to fight it and take care God bless

20-03-14, 09:27
Incredible, I've been suffering with mild superficial Gastritis for 3 months too... diagnosed via endoscopy in January. I'm on 20mg of Omeprazole 1 a day, but I still have these niggling aches and pains, mostly upper left/central abdomen. I too feel sick body and mind, I've lost about 2kg in weight (doesn't sound much but I feel thin). Im like you, I cant see why Im ill for so long, with no marked improvement. So like you I start wondering why? I'm going through all possible causes and fatally visited DR Google the profit of doom.

Pancreatic Cancer was my worry this week, when I realised for the past few weeks I've had pale peanut butter stools and floaters too, bloating since Dec and flatulence. I panicked a little I'll be honest, however as is always the way, I've now had normal brown stools....

I read about the folks here who have been there and done it, look at the positives they always say! I've had a full abdomen scan with contrast, ultrasound, full bloods...and the endo, what came back were one 4mm kidney stone, a water cyst on the other kidney... and this awful gastritis. If i'm thinking with my rational head on surely they would have found something serious from all that !?! With you the same... they have done the number on you and you've got Gastritis!

I've read that Gastritis can last months, and some poor sods years.... lets both ride the storm and hope we get through the other side soon.

20-03-14, 14:27

I have had abdominal problems to and had a number of scans because I feel that it was bowel cancer I had. even though nothing serious was found, no lumps growing inside as well.
As for Pancreatic cancer as Tracieann has said, you would be quite ill by now

20-03-14, 14:53
Thank you everyone for the response, i want to believe i don't have Pancreatic Cancer. I read somewhere that if you have undiagnosed Pancreatic cancer you'll be gone by 2 or 3 months. It's going on 5 months by april that I've been sick and two months since i had my tests. Having health anxiety isn't fun, I'm worried about everything

20-03-14, 15:10
I'm currently trying to beat Gastritis with a healthy diet and no alcohol. Its difficult, I dont need anymore stress from phantom illnesses. Hang in there pal, and stay strong!

21-03-14, 11:42
Billy I'm going through a similar thing...I'll try and keep my story short! :) but since the middle of January I've been feeling really run down, bloated, not hungry at all, very pale, pains in the pit of my stomach and down my left flank beneath my ribs, and loose stools after my breakfast - all not like me at all. But I wrote all of this off to the Epstein Barr infection I caught last summer which I've been struggling to get over, and to the multivitamin tablets and probiotics I'd been taking after Christmas to try and get myself back up to speed.

That was until about a month ago when I had blood test at my GPs and my liver enzymes came back slightly elevated. I had literally no idea what this meant. Doc ordered a second bout of tests which ruled out all kinds of nasties like Hep A/B/C and autoimmune disorders, but again enzymes and liver functions came back elevated. I'm now booked in for an ultrasound test (could take up to four weeks to get seen) and my doc doesn't want to see me again until a week after that.

Foolishly I of course googled my symptoms straight away and up came pancreatic cancer. My rational mind is saying it's *highly* unlikely - not just statistically, but I have none of the itchiness or jaundice that seems to go hand in hand with it, and the pains I've been experiencing haven't been *that* bad in retrospect - but I'm reading how symptoms often begin vaguely and mildly, if there are any symptoms at all, and now in the back of my mind I can't get this idea out of my head. Of course I can't know any more until after the ultrasound, but like you I'm so spooked about what this all *could* be.

I feel so embarrassed even just mentioning about how I've got myself so obsessed about all of this!

21-03-14, 13:08
I've been booked into see a GI in the next few days, as my concerns with symptoms similar to yours have gone on too long in my mind (3 months)... I too have your concerns, though the bloods I had just before xmas and the full abdomen CT (all normal - expect kidney stone and slightly elevated Alpha/Beta globulins) hasn't eased my worries.

I'm trying not to think about 'C', but its difficult especially when you get a pain or symptom.

21-03-14, 16:56
I just wanted to add I recently came across an article about a guy who had pancreatic cancer. By accident I might add! But basically his symptoms starte and within week he was severely jaundiced and lots of other symptoms. It didn't take months it was literally weeks. No mistaking it. No negative tests.

21-03-14, 21:55
Jaundice is the common symptom for PC, a friend died at Xmas, he was diagnosed 3 months prior, I HIGHLY doubt you have it.

Anxiety my friend is a hidden devil, that wears many hats.

I too thought all the things you thought, my stomach pain was awful, I couldn't even lean over the cot to pick my son up. It's miles better now, after I told myself it's anxiety time is a healer.

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:52 ----------

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