View Full Version : is this panic / anxiety ?

20-03-14, 11:45
I keep getting this...........

Today i am in work, been in about an hour, had some food and im having a conversation, then suddenly i feel like my vision goes off a little bit, and my heads starts to feel heavy and my consentration goes all over the place.

I then feel lightheaded and like i am going to faint, it feels like i just need to lie down.

This last for a couple of hours until i feel okish but still off for the rest of the day.

Is this anxiety / panic ? I get it a few times a week at random times.

20-03-14, 12:42
I would think so....I get similar sensations but in me it triggers panic which then starts the whole horrid spiral. Do u feel almost dizzy or as if things are moving when actually they aren't???

20-03-14, 13:56
I feel like i am going to pass out. it comes completely out of the blue then builds until i feel like i am going fully pass out but i never do.

i used to get this and i would panic which would lead to my heart going beserk but i have the heart part under control now.

20-03-14, 14:51
How u feeling now???

Cú Chulainn
20-03-14, 20:53
Yh I personally think its very low level anxiety, Doesn't bother me too much to be honest. It sorta decreases over time. Even when I get light headed I never lay down I just push through it.