View Full Version : Drugs & Medication - do they work?

20-03-14, 12:16
I managed to get rid of my health anxiety without drugs, despite being prescribed anti-depressants on several occasions.

My question is, have drugs worked for you?

20-03-14, 12:20
It's a temporary fix for me. When I get really bad it helps me go on (only twice) but the anxiety comes back. I found CBT works a lot better for me.

20-03-14, 12:29
It's funny because my HA was the exact reason I didn't take the anti-depressants prescribed for me - I was too scared of the side-effects listed on the leaflet!

I've had valium in the past but it didn't do much for me.

I had a friend who was on anti-depressants for anxiety and his words were 'they have ruined my life'.

20-03-14, 12:54
The one drug that has truly worked for me (and ive been on loads) is zyprexa.It also almost works instantly and doesnt give me any side effects.i would love to do this med free but not strong enough at the moment.I dont think antidepressants are worth taking if you dont believe in them

20-03-14, 12:56
For me they have so far seemed to only hide the problem, along with other more beneficial things like strategies to actually deal my my Anxiety. I have no doubt that they do help people though :)

20-03-14, 12:58
I guess they must do, so many millions of people on them, big pharma man can't be wrong can he:D
Excuse me I'm in a cynical mood today

Catherine S
20-03-14, 12:58
Its one of those fine line things isn't it. Having had experience of tranquilisers many years ago, and more recently betablockers, sometimes the side-effects and subsequent withdrawal symptoms from these drugs are worse than the origional anxiety symptoms! And for that reason I always try to manage anxiety as best I can without them. I still take betablockers to ease irregular palps but have greatly reduced them to a much more comfortable level, where I can actually function without too much anxiety, or too many side effects. Its taken a long time time though, and when you read about others suffering more from the meds that are supposed to be helping them, it makes you think doesn't it.

20-03-14, 13:00
Oh and no way am I digging At anyone who has success with meds:)

20-03-14, 13:29

20-03-14, 13:45
I've always wondered about the anti-depressants because it doesn't "sound" right to me - anxiety and depression aren't the same beast. But I guess the doctors know what they're doing. I think things like beta blockers probably DO help because they address the physical symptoms to some degree (racing heart etc) which can help get you out of the cycle of worrying-having physical anxiety symptoms-worrying more about the physical anxiety symptoms. I can't take them because, hilariously (?!), they upset my stomach, and most of my anxiety is related to my guts. Ho hum.

20-03-14, 14:14
Drugs will work to help reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety, in this way they can bring people out of the panic/stress cycle and help them begin to live a normal life again.

However, drugs will not change the unhealthy thought patterns that lead to anxiety and panic attacks. They also won't change unhealthy lifestyle choices that lead to a strung out nervous system, or lack of stress management. Ultimately it's this that needs to change.

This is why people don't get better, or why meds don't work to totally get rid of anxiety - it takes a lot more work than simply taking a pill (if it did then forums like this wouldn't exist).

Medications definitely have their place in anxiety treatment, but they're not the complete solution. Recovery needs a holistic look at lifestyle, thought processes and physical health to really happen.

20-03-14, 20:42
Hello. I've just today stopped taking Prozac after only ten days. It was horrific the amount of side effects I got, in particular increased anxiety. If I hadn't had the increased anxiety I think I would still be on them, but every new side effect added fuel to the fire, so to speak, until today when I was dying of heart attack, esophagal cancer, brain tumour and countless other life threatening things. I didn't want to go on any meds, and have had health anxiety for 5 years without meds, but of late, its been getting progressively worse so finally gave in. Wish I hadn't. I had the worse panic attacks ever yesterday and today.

Round in circles
21-03-14, 00:35
Anti depressants only gave me heaps of side effects with no benefits. Don't get me started on seroquel.

21-03-14, 00:51
I didn't feel any benefit. Although I don't think I gave them chance to work. Feeling calm for the first time in over a week though so I'm glad I stopped taking themi

21-03-14, 22:44
For me personally - absolutely. It very much depends on the person. Some people have psychological problems triggered by external sources (e.g. events, stress) that then result in the imbalance of chemicals which balances itself when the problems are addressed via behavioural/cognitive therapies. However, some people have psychological problems that are triggered by a chemical imbalance which may very well be genetic. I have a few immediate family members who suffer from varying psychological problems, which suggests a genetic factor in mine, supported by the fact that medication worked for me.

---------- Post added at 09:44 ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 ----------

However, I also have a background in psychology, so I'm vary aware of the different aetilogies of mental illness and various treatments, and in which instances these are most appropriate. So my opinion is probably quite different to many sufferers :P

21-03-14, 23:07
When I took citalopram 10 years ago, they changed my life for the better. Last July I decided to reduce the dose. Unfortunately after christmas I've had the return of fierce anxiety for the last 6 weeks, I wish I hadn't messed around with the dose. I'm using cbt and mindfulness, but I'm in the grip of the worst anxiety and panic in years. I increased the dose about 3 weeks ago, and now have to wait to see if they will work again. I think they work for a lot of people, but you only tend to hear the negative stories.