View Full Version : International Day of Happiness 2014

20-03-14, 15:52
Today is the International day of happiness so I thought I would write a thread of Happiness and Joy to spread a bit of positivity when some of you may not feel like there is much to be happy about :D

So when you feel a bit like this


Take a look at this.....


Have a read of this......

If at times you feel you want to cry.
And life seems such a trial.
Above the clouds there’s a bright blue sky
So make your tears a smile.

As you travel on life’s way
With its many ups and downs
Remember it’s quite true to say
One smile is worth a dozen frowns.

Among the worlds expensive things
A smile is very cheap
And when you give a smile away,
You get one back to keep.

Happiness comes at times to all
But sadness comes unbidden
And sometimes a few tears must fall
Among the laughter hidden.

So when friends have sadness on their face
And troubles round them piled
The world will seem a better place
And all because you smiled.

act a bit like this......



http://rack.0.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA3LzA1L2Y5L2NyYXp5ZGFuY2UuOGVmY2YuZ2lmCn AJdGh1bWIJMTIwMHg5NjAwPg/fda9159f/386/crazy-dance.gif





https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSbgNEiRcNa4T8CXTN6DiSB7fx8Z5UyX gGSeupkI36aBIVkqenr

And if you are still feeling down then have a listen to these..



And if any of this has made you smile even just a little then........


PS, Nic sorry the thread is a bit picture heavy xx

20-03-14, 18:51
Thanks venus it did make me smile first time today

20-03-14, 19:01
Thank you Emmz, I especially like the Bob Marley video. I have a toy lion which plays that song that a friend bought for me, it always cheers me up :)

Catherine S
20-03-14, 20:02