View Full Version : Facial numbness, spacey feelings

20-03-14, 17:02
Hello, I used to be a member here a few years ago when I needed help with palpitations and anxiety. I've rejoined as I don't remember what my user name was then.

I'm looking for some help again please. For about a week I've had pins and needles in my lips and a numbness around my right eye. It feels like dentist anaesthetic wearing off. My left temple has also been twitching quite a bit. I've also been feeling a bit spaced out and slightly nauseous, nothing too drastic but enough to send me into panic mode. I feel quite tired and my legs feel weak, almost like they won't hold me up. I have upper back and shoulder problems ATM which I have reflexology for but I cope with those. I've carried on working as I find that takes my mind off things, I'm self employed so can choose when to work.

These new symptoms are worrying me. I have a doctors appointment on Monday but thought I would also ask here to see if anyone has experienced similar. I do also get pins and needles in my fingers occasionally.

I'm a 41 yr old female, non smoker, non drinker. Any advice would be appreciated. I don't have any slurred speech and I'm able to hold up my arms.