View Full Version : Oh dear....

20-03-14, 19:46
So I had a ecg today at a local walk in center and the doctor there said i had flipped T waves in one of the leads he didn't seem concerned but didn't explain what that meant...and then I googled...First thing i see is Conary artery disease..Which is what I've feared all along...I'm a dead man walking

20-03-14, 19:53
Can you go back, or get that doctor to explain what he meant? Ask for a second opinion. The worst thing we do is to google it, even though we think it will make us feel better if we can find a 'reasonable explanation' for what we are experiencing.

20-03-14, 19:56
I will tommrow but I've been having symptoms suggestive of this for a while now and this has pretty much confirmed it

21-03-14, 10:28
Did your ECG print out a diagnosis like they do sometimes?

21-03-14, 10:40
nope its was normal sinus rhthym but the doctor looked at it and said there was a slight abdormality on the T wave

21-03-14, 10:41
Right so if the print out says normal its not necessarily normal is what you're saying

21-03-14, 10:51
Sometimes. Sometimes it can be the other way around. It will say Normal ECG (unconfirmed) which means the doctor needs to confirm it as the read outs are sometimes unrealiable

21-03-14, 11:04
Kuetis, like Mummy, your thoughts are running away with you.

They were not worried so neither should you be.

Do you think they would have allowed you to leave the centre if you were indeed "A dead man walking"?

21-03-14, 11:07
Agree with Elen (I can rationalise other people!) that maybe because you think this is what is wrong with you and this one test said this that your body has now collapsed under the fear of your thoughts? All your other ECG were normal so maybe the lead wasn't on properly?

21-03-14, 11:37
I suppose :( but will all my other symptoms it doesn't look good

21-03-14, 11:39
I remember years back when I had my first ECG it printed out right ventricular hypotrophy. I was beside myself! I panicked myself up into a frenzy and it turned out to be a load if crap the machine had printed out.

21-03-14, 19:18
I have inverted t waves in all my inferolateral leads. I don't have a disease, I've been thoroughly checked out. Its very common to have them in one lead and is not a cause for concern.

21-03-14, 19:23
Haha. All these technical words have just gone WHOOSH straight over my head. I had an ecg last week. It was 8 wires with sticky pads. I have no idea what they're called or what they check for. I just trusted my doctors word that it was all perfect (and trusting my doctor is a new concept to me)