View Full Version : Just Found This Site and Having a Bad Night

20-03-14, 20:26
I'm having a bad night tonight and was searching for something unrelated and came across this website. I wish I had found this months ago.

Just to tell you a bit about me. I'm 30, a professional who has never had to take time off work as I manage to control my emotions during the day. I have been having treatment for anxiety and self-esteem issues from a CPN but she referred me onto a Psychologists as I came clean about self-harm and she thinks there is more going on. I'm a bit of a mess at the moment as I am not seeing the CPN anymore but still waiting on an appt. with the Psychologist so I feel in no mans land.

I just want to hide from the world. I'm getting fed up with people asking if I'm ok. I want to tell them no and just let it all spill but people don't want to hear that. The thoughts are just going a bit mental in my head.

20-03-14, 20:34
Hi Welcome to NMP, you will find lots of support here.

20-03-14, 22:41
Welcome Wabbit, I work in a high stress environment but can control my anxiety during the day aside from the slight tremble in my hands.

I have suffered with obsessive thoughts for a few years now but these have eased considerably since taking Cit. It's like I wasn't in control of my own head.

This site is like having 100s of councilors and mates all looking to help and advise you. Someone here is going thru your own issue right now or has already been there. Glad you found NMP!

There's some great CBT available online or book form, this also helped me greatly.

All the best to you

20-03-14, 22:51
Rabbit, welcome to NMP. This site was a godsend for me months ago when I first found it. You will find so many helpful people on here who totally understand what you're going through. Good luck on this journey.

20-03-14, 23:05
Hi there! I am in the same boat, just found out about this site and feel sooo much comfort reading posts from the members on here already...it is SO important for you to know that you are not alone!! <33

As for your post, wow the last few sentences basically describe me as well. When you have a bad day especially, you wonder how you are going to keep on living the way you do, with so much bottled up inside. Some things are very personal to us and don't have to be shared, but when you start to realize all the bottling up is becoming TOO much and start to feel "mental" as you describe it (which is a great way to describe it) , something has to be done! I understand how hard it is, everybody on this site must understand. I know it is so cliche to say "baby steps have to be taken to start feeling better, but its true. :) Baby steps have to be taken when we feel the most vulnerable

21-03-14, 20:23
Hi, I am so glad I found this. Thank you for all you replies and showing me that I'm not alone. I'm still feeling completely helpless with an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I constantly fear what the future brings and will things get better but I hope that with support I'll learn to cope better. What this site did do for me last night was stopped me from self harming as I was really not coping and needed a release. The replies I got really helped me put it into perspective so I can't thank you enough.

I've tried to explain to friends how I feel and they just don't get how much control these feelings have over me. It's nice to see their are people who get it.

21-03-14, 20:40
i feel your pain bro! my family don't understand how i feel and none of my friends where i live do either. I've only lived here less than two years so don't have many friends to talk to. I really thought i was going mad, then i found this site last night too and its made such a difference to my way of thinking. Even reading the posts while feeling the onset of a panic attack alleviated it loads. I managed to talk myself down and tell myself i'm not dying (i have HA).