View Full Version : pre menapause

21-03-14, 00:08
Hi I havent been here for a while.

Im going through the pre menapause at the moment and would like to know if anyone here is taking natural meds for it.

I dont want to do the HRT but would like to try naturally.

Is anyone going through the same.Im having hot flushes and terrible headaches along with horrid painfull spots along my jaw line.Having some bloods done nxt week.

Any advise ladies please.xxxxxx

21-03-14, 04:03
Hey yorkylover - my mother in law has had great success with natural HRT. I would recommend seeing a practitioner who can help you. You can get natural progesterone and other supplements that are beneficial. Definitely worth a shot.

21-03-14, 21:28
I take Menopace along with evening primrose oil. I am sure the Menopace has helped me with hit flushes and feeling hot generally. I don't want to take hrt either but do have days where I wonder if it would help. I find it so hard to focus & concentrate sometimes it's awful. If I knew for instance that this would only last a few months or perhaps a hear... I could muddle thro.... But it's been gong on so long I do wonder sometimes if it'll ever end, I am sure tho that what I take does help. I found before taking Menopace that magnesium helped me with energy levels & sugar craving, I don't have to take it separately now as it's included in the menopace.

25-03-14, 11:17
Thank you both for taking the time to reply I have looked at menopace but was not sure but it did sound good.My moods are so up a down but I care for my mum who has dementia so it could be that as well.
Thank you again.xxxxxxxxx

26-03-14, 20:33
Oh yorky, that must be really tough looking after your mother, my mother has had ups and downs over the last year (particularly memory & behaviour issues caused by dementia). before Xmas she was not good at all & ended up in hospital for 3 weeks. Luckily she seems to have improved greatly physically. Of course we know her memory & confusion will not Improve but at least now she sounds happier, much happier. So having seen the situation with my mother,i can only imagine it must be draining for u. Especially with darned hormones messing u about?