View Full Version : Afraid I have blood clot from blood pressure cuff

21-03-14, 02:23
I have to take my pressure a lot cos of a condition, and earlier the cuff wasn't reading me and I had no choice but to be repeatedly taking it. Sometimes the veins in my wrist and hand start to bulge and hurt when the cuff is deflating, but this evening they're still bulgy and sore, to touch amd when i move my arm. I'm afraid I have a clot in my arm now and it'll do something bad :unsure: I'm so worried and freaked out all the time at the moment. It's always something.

21-03-14, 02:32
Yeah it is always something I feel the same way. Your arm is just irritated by the cuff. Try to watch tv or something to relax and don't check your arm for a while. The swelling will go down. I've never ever heard of anyone getting a blood clot from taking blood pressure. In fact when I gave birth to my daughter my blood pressure was high and they had this automatic blood pressure cuff that would take my pressure ever half hour. It actually bruised me. I told them to take the damn thing off or I was leaving and I was in labor. Thankfully they listened.