View Full Version : Acceptance of HA

21-03-14, 09:20
Hi there.
Today I finally accepted I have health anxiety.
So far over the last 6 months or so I have tormented myself with the thought I have heart problems, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, MS, and cervical cancer, lupus, and lymphoma.

I have been my GP's best customer. I have had all manner of tests, from ecg's, chest xrays, scans, all kinds of blood tests, smear test etc. Thankfully all have been completely normal.

I have come to accept that I will constantly worry about my health but I am going to be kind to myself from now on. As long as I can walk, talk, eat, sleep then I can't be that ill.
I'm not sure what the future will bring but I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. I have finally stopped smoking, almost 3 weeks now.

I am going to do my best to stay off Dr. Google, but I accept that I will still no doubt be super aware of any symptoms I have and there will be times when I worry constantly.

If anyone else wants a buddy to maybe message then give me a shout.
Love and peaceful thoughts to all xxx

21-03-14, 09:46
Hi Molly, well done on taking the first step, acceptance is never easy! I remember when it dawned on me about my health anxiety, it was the toughest realisation and when I said it out loud it made me feel so ashamed but also so relieved.

Also, congratulations on giving up smoking! I've never been a smoker myself, but I understand that the first couple of weeks are the hardest, so nice work on getting through them :)

I wanted to say to you that you don't need to accept that you will always worry. There are steps you can take to unlearn your worrying habit, and although you still may be a sensitive soul or a bit more concerned and caring than your average person, it will not be something that leads you into anxiety. CBT is a great tool for this, or even simply reading a book about anxiety/stress. Have a look around for the next step that suits you best, you'll find that you can have a calmer mind with some tools to help you reach it.

21-03-14, 15:07
From here on in it will get better. They will be small step but you'll be moving in the right direction.