View Full Version : now its a brain tumor

21-03-14, 10:45
sorry everyone but im honestly having a panic attack right now so need to get it out.

after everything i have had wrong with me (so my mind thinks)
tonight i self diagnosed a brain tumor feeling light headed, dizzy spells, weird memory and ofcourse i had to run to the internet to give me answers :(
honestly just want it to stop ive only just started to come right over the last few weeks and ive felt so good so more relaxed im sick with a chest infection atm which doesnt help and had a panic attack on wednesday which ended with a trip to the hospital i swear i couldnt breath and i just panicked and had to call an ambo.. just want this to stop surely i cant have everything i think i have wrong with me im only 23...
finally come to convince myself that i have to go to the doctors and talk about my anxiety end of the day it only takes a few minutes where as leaving it and it may never go..
:D :D :D

21-03-14, 11:12
It's grata that you are going to speak to your doctor about your anxiety! Definately a step in the right direction! By the way google told me I have a brain tumor as well :)

Round in circles
21-03-14, 11:39
Definitely go see your doc about the anxiety. Even the act of saying it out loud can feel like a weight off your shoulders. Hopefully they can refer you for counselling or at least give you some pointers on how to manage the anxiety. Good luck :)

21-03-14, 12:35

Oh yes Google one of my favourite places to self diagnosed myself. If you are worried about if you think you have a brain tumour go and see your GP who will run a few tests. I have diagnosed myself with a lot of things and made myself feel worst.
Good luck

21-03-14, 12:47
I've had to learn to stop googling my symptoms. According to Dr Google, I have a brain tumour, breast cancer, fibromyalgia, lung cancer, asbestos poisoning, kidney failure and a whole load of heart attacks. I have called an ambulance a couple of times, and used the 111 service but I'm learning to talk myself down during an attack and tell the difference between severe pain and exaggerated pain. Its not easy and just at the weekend I was lying on the bathroom floor convinced my heart was going to explode out of my chest and I was going to stop breathing. But I'm still here, so f*** you anxiety!!